The Hundred high school girls basketball team is having quite the season. I have had the opportunity to watch them four times this year and can say I am very impressed with them. As of this writing they are -1 with their only loss coming at the hands of a talented Cameron team.
Coach of the ...
Franco Harris was a great football player and a nice person. I can remember back in the 1970ás waiting all week for the Steeler games to come on. I would be bummed out if for some reason I had to work or the team had a bye. It was a good time just watching on regular TV as those great players ...
My wife and I traveled to Cincinnati over the weekend to watch our grandson, Leo, participate in the 12th Annual Turkey Bowl Flag Football Festival. This neat event features kids ages 4-14 competing in flag football. Leo has played in this league for several years now, and we try to see a ...
I would love to start my column thanking Bev Gibb and the New Martinsville Parks and Recreation for putting on the Bruce Park Boo at the Park. I have been on the Parks Commission for a couple years now, and I was shocked to see all the many kids and grown-ups present at this years event.I'm ...
To kick-off the beginning of the 2018-19 "SUBWAY Sports Clinic Series" the Ohio Valley Athletic Conference will be hosting its annual free youth football clinic in conjunction with the "Rudy Mumley OVAC All-Star Charity Football Classic." The clinic will take place the day of the game on ...
Helmet fitting for all Paden City middle school and high school football players who plan on playing football this year will take place July 24, 10 a.m. Varsity football practice will start on July 30, 9 a.m. Middle school practice will begin on Aug. 6. Time will be announced later. There will ...
The 11th annual Courtney Evans Memorial Scholarship 4-Person Golf Scramble will be held Saturday, July 28 at Sistersville Country Club. Cost is $200 entry fee for team, 18 holes and cart. Lunch and refreshments included. On-siste registration 8 a.m., and shot gun start at 9 a.m. Early ...
The Ohio Valley Volleyball Officials Association is conducting a 30-hour course in the fundamentals of volleyball officiating. Candidates successfully completing the course will be eligible to officiate in the 2018 season. Classes begin July 30, at 6 p.m. at Paden City High School and will meet ...
Young Ethical Sportsmen will offer a Hunter Education Certification Course on Aug. 25, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. and Aug. 26, 1-5 p.m. at Alma Fire Hall. Participants must be pre-registered. Those born on or after January 1, 1975 must complete and pass a Hunter Safety Education Class, in order to be ...
The Lady Pilots sent a few girls to Williamstown over the weekend in the annual Williamstown Spring Special and fared pretty well. Abby Caldwell won the girls' 100 meter dash (12.6) and 300 meter hurdle (49.2), while teammate Jessica Karpacs finished second in the girls' long jump with a jump ...