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From My View For Sept. 12

By Staff | Sep 12, 2018

I would like for this column to be about people being a bully – not just at school, but also in the workplace.

I was told recently by a really good friend of mind about a supervisor yelling and getting in the face of their employees, degrading many of them at their place of employment. My friend wasn’t quite sure if there were people around, that didn’t work there, to hear it.

If there were non-employees around, that heard what the supervisor said, I’m sure they won’t do business there anytime soon if they would have heard the supervisor. Notably, of the people who were bullied was a new recruit who most likely won’t continue to work there.

Try to put yourself in the employees’ shoes, or even the supervisor’s shoes. I have done the latter a time or two, but I couldn’t see why the supervisor would want to act in such a negative way.

There are many, many reasons why there should never be any bullying – except maybe in the service, and that is only to keep them safe.

In most businesses, there is no bullying allowed in the workplace. If there is, I’m sure management will take care of the situation immediately, if not sooner. But, if it’s one of your supervisors, who do you go to, especially if you’re non-union.

It’s the same at school as the work-place; bullying is prohibited, end of discussion. But, again, what if it’s your teacher, or even a person in authority? There is always someone you can talk to. But, please, you must tell someone if it’s not one of your friends. You don’t have to go through it alone. If you don’t talk to someone, it will eat at you a lot. It can make you sick enough to quit. Don’t let the bully win. Take a stand!

I understand it’s your life, and you need your job. However, you can’t keep it to yourself, because it will eat at you. I was once bullied, and I just let it slide, because I wanted to keep my job. However, I talked with a friend and felt good afterwards. I started to believe in myself and told the supervisor what was going on with his bosses; he went to the boss, who apologized. It changed his life. He didn’t know he was being a bully, and once he found out, he changed for the better.

I really feel that most bullies don’t even know they are bullies; once they do, most of the time, they change.

Last week I told you my middle son, Chris, was turning 40 on Sept. 7. However, I didn’t wish my youngest Jeremy a happy 38th birthday for the same day, just two years younger.

I understand hitting the big 40 is a big deal, but it’s just a number. I wouldn’t know. Ha! Ha! I’m chasing 65. I just hope I make it; you never know when your time is up. Just remember, your time may run out any day. Just make sure you’re right with God. If you are a bully, you better change real quick, because you never know.