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Sports Briefs

By Staff | Aug 12, 2009

MHS Reserve Tickets On Sale

Many good reserved seats are available for Magnolia home football games. Charge for each reserve seat is $15 for the season. Anyone interested in reserve seating can call Claire Blatt at 455-3348. Reserve seats will also be available for purchase on Aug. 18 at Magnolia’s “Meet the Team” night. Any remaining seats not renewed from last year will be released for purchase after Aug. 17; payment must be received by this date.

MHS Cheer Camp

The Magnolia Blue Eagles will host a Cheer Camp for kids pre-Kindergarten through sixth grade on Aug. 17-18 between the hours of 8:30-10:30 a.m.

Early registration will be on Aug. 13-14 between the hours of 10-11:30 a.m. at Magnolia High School. Registration fee is $20 per child or two for $35. For further information contact MHS Cheer Coach Brittany Mcginnis at 304-455-4869.

Ohio Hunter Education Course

An Ohio Hunter Education Course will be held on Aug. 19-21 from 6-9:30 p.m. on each day. The class will be held at the Broken Timber Outdoor Education Center, located at the AGI plant site, Hannibal. The class size is limited to 23. Please call 1-800-WILDLIFE to register for this class.

Included in the training will be basic gun safety, information about the different types of firearms and ammunition, archery, wildlife management, shooting, person safety and survival, game care, and hunter responsibility. This course has is open to the public.

Fall Basketball League Forming

Parkersburg South High School will hot a Basketball Fall Fun League for boys and girls entering grades nine-12 on Sunday afternoons beginning Sept. 13 and continuing until Nov 1.

The league is open for travel and school based teams. There will be openings for players who need placed on a team. For more information, call Bill Camp at 304-483-8922.