Pro Wrestling Hits Morgantown
On Saturday Feb. 21, Covey Promotions Pro Wrestling debuts in Morgantown at the brand new Hazel and JW Ruby Community Center at Mylan Park. Performing on the show’s main event will be Former WWE Native American Superstar “Tatanka.”
Tatanka had two very successful runs with World Wrestling Entertainment, first from 1991-96 where he feuded with names such as Rick Martel and Shawn Michaels. His second WWE Tour stinted from 2005-07 where he performed on their “Smack Down” TV Show.
Also appearing for a special interview and a Meet and Greet Autograph Session will be The Original WWE Diva “Sunny.” Sunny is most famous for being a WWE Manager/Valet. From the mid to late 90’s, she was also one of the most downloaded superstars of that era.
There will also be independent wrestling stars from across the country performing on the show. Concessions will be sold at this event, including alcoholic beverages, with all concession profits to benefit Mylan Park.
WVU students will receive discounted tickets with their school ID. Bell time is 7:30 p.m. For tickets, call 304-298-2192. Tickets will also be available at the door. Visit for more information on the event.