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St. Marys Ladies Golf End Season

By Staff | Nov 5, 2008

St. Marys Ladies Golf End Season The St. Marys Golf Association held its end-of-the year luncheon Oct. 7 at the Olive Garden restaurant in Vienna. Following the devotional by Nora Hood, President Pansy Raper called the meeting to order. Winning the prize for guessing the amount of Putt Money was Darlene Martin.

Winners for 2008 were: Club Championship, WV Pin and most birdies, Linda Hedrick; tied for most chip-ins, Nora Hood and Linda Hedrick; one eagle, Fran Myslinsky; most improved golfer, Darlene Martin.

B Flight Winners, Driving: Linda Hedrick; Chipping: Nora Hood; Putting: Michelle Wilson;

C Flight Winners, Driving: Rose Herman; Chipping: Peggy Eddy; Putting: Barb Carl.

The Christmas party will be held at the golf course Dec. 2 at 11:30 a.m. A $10 donation from each member will go to a local charity.

A luncheon will also be held March 3 at 11:30 a.m. at the Fireside Inn in St. Marys.

A breakfast to kick off the 2009 season will be held at the golf course April 7 at 9 a.m.