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WVU Football Game Day Parking Information Detailed

By Staff | Aug 27, 2014

With the home opener of the 2014 WVA football season scheduled for Sept. 6, the WVA Department of Intercollegiate Athletics is providing a guide to help fans, especially Blue Lot parking pass holders, with game day parking and tailgating information.

“The beginning of football season is always an exciting time on the WVA Campus,” said Matt Wells, WVA Associate Athletic Director for External Affairs. “There also are a lot of exciting things going on at the WVA Hospital Complex as the hospital continues to grow and serve the residents of the state in a first-class manner.

“With the growth of the hospital there are some changes to game day parking procedures in the stadium lots, specifically the Blue Lot,” Wells continued. “We are releasing information on these changes to give fans time to familiarize themselves with the reconfigured lot and to make them aware of what they can expect on game day.

The major area affected is the lot known as the Blue Lot on football game days.

The Blue Lot has undergone an extensive reconfiguration as part of the ongoing projects at the WVA Hospital Complex, which has resulted in the loss of approximately 300 parking spots.

Vehicular traffic will no longer have access to Meed Center Drive, the road directly in front of Ruby Memorial Hospital, as the road has been reconfigured.

In addition, the entrance and exits points to the lots also are different than in years past.

A plan has been developed to help Blue Lot holders navigate the lot on game day. Fans are encouraged to review these changes and familiarize themselves with the new setup, in an effort to minimize the impact of the changes.

One important procedural difference on game days is a change to how fans pick a parking spot. There will be a window of time each game day in which fans can enter the Blue Lot and may park in any available space.