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Youth Soccer And Competitive Soccer Teams Now Forming

By Staff | Aug 20, 2014

The New Martinsville Parks and Recreation Commission are offering youth Sunday Soccer and Competitive Soccer leagues this fall. Both Sunday Soccer and Competitive Soccer leagues are co-ed.

Coaches and referees are needed. For additional information, contact the Parks and Recreation Office at 304-455-9130.

Applications are available at the city building, please have your medical insurance information on hand when registering.

The season begins Sept. 14 and continues each Sunday through Oct. 19.

The time for the five, six and seven year olds is 2-3 p.m. and the time for the eight, nine and 10 year olds is 3-4 p.m.

During the first half-hour there will be practice and the second half-hour there will be a game each week. Children must be five years old before Dec. 31 to participate.

The cost is $25 per child or $35 per family until Sept. 5 before 4:30 p.m. After Sept. 5 the cost increases by $10.

The teams that could be offered, pending participant sign ups and availability of coaches, are: Under 10 Co-Ed, Under 12 Co-Ed, Under 14 Co-Ed.

Your child’s birth date must fall within the following dates to be eligible for the team: Under 10, born between Aug. 1, 2004, to July 31, 2006;

Under 12, born between Aug. 1, 2002, to July 31, 2004.

Under 14, born between Aug. 1, 2000, to July 31, 2002.

Each team is limited to the first 18 to sign up and pay by Sept. 5.

The cost to register is $30 and an additional jersey fee of $15 is needed for new players. The jersey is the same as last fall.

Registration and jersey fees must be paid at registration.