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Tourney Supports VFW Scholarships

By Staff | Aug 14, 2014

The Sistersville VFW Larry Howard Memorial Scholarship Golf Tournament will be held on Aug. 16 at the Sistersville Country Club.

This tournament is held annually to support three local scholarships given to graduating seniors of Tyler Consolidated, Paden City, and Magnolia high schools each year.

The tournament, hosted by the Sistersville Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 6327, has been a great success in the past and organizers hope this year will be the same.

At this time, teams are still needed for this years tournament and it is hoped that by tournament time, all team slots will be filled.

Those interested in entering a team, joining a team, or sponsoring a team should contact Jim Cavezza at 304-771-6184 or 304-652-1123 for information.

The tournament will begin at 7:45 a.m. with check in and registration continuing until 8:15 a.m. followed by tee-off at 8:30 a.m.

Four-person teams will play at a cost of $50 per team member.

The price of entry will include tournament fees, cart, continental breakfast, hot dogs on the course, soft drinks, and a steak dinner afterward.

Prize money will be awarded for the following: closest to the pin; longest putt; and closest to pin second shots.

Prize money will be flighted with first and second place in the first flight and first and second place in the second flight.

In May, the three scholarships were presented to students at graduation exercises. Sophia Kinnard received the scholarship at Tyler Consolidated; Katie Shreves was presented her scholarship at Paden City; and Shelby Sands was the recipient at Magnolia High School.

Donations supporting this year’s tournament were received from: S&S Jewelry, Paden Memorial Garden, Gerald W. Meckley Jr., DDS, Sistersville Elks Lodge #333, Sistersville Dairy Queen, Riggenbach Tile and Carpet, Auto Zone, Wayside Furniture, Tractor Supply Corp., Koolaids Family Pizza, Bridgeport Equipment and Tool, Pearly Ankrom Family, AT&T Store, Tyler Star News, RCS Printing, IGA of Sistersville, and Witschey’s Market.

Hole sponsors for the tournament include: Bayer Heritage Credit Union, Action Gaming, Bell Chevrolet, Inc., King’s Corner, Peoples Bank, Sistersville General Hospital, Ace Home Center, WesBanco, Doolin Security Savings Bank FSB, Wetzel County Hospital, Robert N. Christen, O.D., Long Reach FCU,

Herb’s Body and Paint Shop, Myers Funeral Home, Keith Milhoan, J.C. Mensore Distributor Inc., New Martinsville Moose Lodge #931, Quinet’s Restaurant, Ohio Foot and Ankle Surgery, Tri-County Hearing Center, Jarvis Funeral Home,

Grisell Funeral Home and Crematory, Phillips Pharmacy, Quality Aluminum Products, Talkington Gun Shop, The Wells Inn, Wable Ford, Union Bank, DeNoon Lumber, Linda Leasure Insurance, Sistersville Tank Works, Paden City Memorial Gardens, Aerie 2281 F.O.E., and the Rutherford/Hendricks Families.

Team sponsors thus far include: Action Gaming, WesBanco, VFW, UBTC, and Ultra Clean.

For more information contact Jim Cavezza at 304-771-6184 or 304-652-1123; the VFW Post at 304-652-9992; or the Sistersville Country Club at 304-652-3005.

(Editor’s note: The late Terrill Riggs is pictured with two of the graduates below. Riggs has worked diligently on the tournament for the past few years, soliciting funds and donations as well as sponsors and teams to ensure the tournament would continue to be a success.)