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B&K Basketball Camp Brings Kids Out In Paden City

By Staff | Jun 25, 2014

The 28th Annual B&K Basketball Camp at Paden City High School is now in the books as another great opportunity for the players who attended.

Included were instructional drills in ball handling, passing, shooting and rebounding. Offense and defense techniques were taught, with video tapes on hand to help as instructional guides. The campers also enjoyed a number of contests designed to sharpen their basketball skills.

The camp was brought together by the tandem of Bob Burton, a former coach at Paden City and the present coach, Fred King. Upon Burton’s retirement, the camp stayed together with the help of many.

One of them is Assistant Coach Jeff Bowers, who has been with the program throughout the years.

Others who have played an instrumental part in staging the camp this year were Mark Barnhart, Brent Croasmun, Pat Boyles as well as Fred’s wife, Debbie, and their daughter Brittany.

Over 100 campers and 20 Instructors were involved in this year’s camp. The instructors, as well as the campers, were kept busy all the time during the day and even well after the camp was over for the day.

The campers were put into two separate groups, one for the younger campers and one for the older campers.

Early in the morning, the older campers separated into two areas, one outside (when not raining) and one in the big gym. Before they split up, the campers would stretch and shoot for 15 minutes before the camp started, getting into major motion.

Meanwhile, the younger groups went to the all-purpose room, where they followed the same routine as the older campers.

Every day the campers practiced foul shots, three point shots and hot-spot skill fundamentals, such as a standing broad jump, vertical leap, rope jump, quickness drill and bag jumping.

In addition, campers participated in an academic portion where the youngsters took a math test.

While all of that was happening, the athletes were separated into teams and competed against their own age and gender groups.

A ribbon ceremony was held to recognize the campers every day for their accomplishments. Each camper had the opportunity to win a blue ribbon daily. During the games, ties were broken with foul shots.

Campers attending this year’s camp include: Kindergarten – Kamryn Boley and John Mace.

First grade: Cooper Cisar, Connor Carpenter, Laney Worzalla, Karter Parson.

Second grade: Gavin Derby, Logan Eddy, Preston Lawhon, Kyleigh Rupert, Addie Davis, Cali Masters, Brody Rice, Addison Parks, Madison Sturgeon, Kobe McVicker, Hailey Sandy, Dubale Greathouse, Carter Johnson, Linsie Asher, Callie Powell, and Tent Price.

Third grade: Jaela Davis, Jake Lancaster, Owen Brown, Colton Cisar, Zade Billings, Aurora Amos, Sophie Greenleaf, Evalena Booher, Sebastian Perez, J.D. Mensore, Andlyn Corathers, Lila Palmer, Bracy Kocher, Davin Brown, Grady Brown, Adam Bennett, and Wyatt Pinkerton.

Fourth grade: Alexis Eddy, Carson Gorby, Brooke Schruider, Micah Hayes, Lucas Zombotti, Andrea Thomas, Zoe Davis, Quentin Richmond, Justin Barker, Kyra Cisar, Caitlyn Northcraft, Luke Powell, Brady Illar, Makia Litton, Spencer Wade, Maddison Yoho, Kyle Jones, and Joel Moore.

Fifth grade: Luke Webb, Brandon Lawhon, Nevaeh Sweeney, Trista Morris, Cara Masters, Waylon Moore, Alyssa Phillips, Millie Kehrer, Sam Mensore, Bryar Lamp, Ethan Bennett, Riley Fletcher, and Grant Barnhart.

Sixth grade: Alexis Hashman, Regan Smith, Silas McKeever, Justin Bowman, Logan Rice, Caden Cisar, Lenieca Grimm, Sam Zombotti, Alex Parker, Emilie Asher, Chloe Neely, Shyanna White, Mady Winters, and Thomas Shannon.

Seventh grade: Cameron Hallack, Aiden Cosper, Montgomery Kelly, William Steele, Peyton Auxier, Blake Miller, Jason Anderson and Ethan Cross;

Eighth grade: Emily Lancaster, Nathan Barker, Miranda Weekley, Eric Illar, Cameron Ekas, and Ryan Cross.

In addition to a fast-paced week of basketball instruction, each camper received a camp T-shirt, daily refreshments, participation certificates, an evaluation sheet, as well as awards, which included medals, daily ribbons, and daily hustle awards.

Overall medal winners for the camp are listed below (academics medals for boys and girls were combined):

Kindergarten: Boys, (gold) Foul shooting, hot spots, 3-pt shots and one-on-one – John Mace; Girls, (gold) Foul shooting, hot spots, 3-pt shots and one-on-one – Kamryn Boley.

First grade: Girls, (gold) Foul shooting, hot spots, 3-pt shots and one-on-one – Laney Worzalla; boys: Boys, Foul shooting – gold, Cooper Cisar; silver, Karter Parson; bronze, Connor Carpenter; hot spots – gold, Parson, silver, Cisar; bronze, Carpenter; 3-pt shots – gold, Cisar, silver, Parson, bronze Carpenter; one-on-one – gold, Cisar; silver, Parson; bronze, Carpenter; Academic – gold, Laney Worzalla; silver, Cisar; bronze, Carpenter.

Second grade: Girls, Foul shooting – gold, Callie Powell; silver, Cali Masters; bronze, Linsie Asher; hot spots – gold, Masters; silver, Powell; bronze, Asher; 3-pt shots – gold, Powell, silver, Masters; bronze, Madison Sturgeon; one-on-one – gold, Masters; silver, Powell; bronze, Addie Davis; Boys, Foul shooting – gold, Gavin Derby; silver Kobe McVicker; bronze, Preston Lawhon; hot spots – gold, Derby; silver, Lawhon; bronze, Brody Rice; 3-pt shots – gold, Derby; silver, Lawhon; bronze, Rice; one-on-one – gold, Derby; silver, Dubale Greathouse; bronze, Lawhon; Academic – gold, Addison Davis; silver, Lawhon; bronze, Madison Sturgeon.

Third grade: Girls, Foul shooting – gold, Jaela Davis; silver, Lila Palmer; bronze, Aurora Amos; hot spots – gold, Palmer; silver, Davis; bronze, Andlyn Corathers; 3-pt shots – gold, Davis; silver, Palmer; bronze, Amos; one-on-one – gold, Palmer; silver, Corathers; bronze, Davis; Boys, Foul shooting – gold, Zade Billings; silver, Brady Kocher; bronze, Wyatt Pinkerton; hot spots – gold, J.D. Mensore; silver, Billings; bronze, Colton Cisar; 3-pt shots; gold, Kocher; silver, Billings; bronze, Mensore; one-on-one – gold, Pinkerton; silver, Kocher; bronze, Billings; Academic – gold, Jaela Davis; silver, Sebastian Perez; bronze, Andlyn Corathers.

Fourth grade: Girls, Foul shooting – gold, Zoe Davis; silver, Makia Litton; bronze, Maddison Yoho; hot spots – gold, Alexis Eddy; silver, Davis; bronze, Litton; 3-pt shots – gold, Davis; silver, Yoho; bronze, Litton; one-on-one – gold, Davis; silver, Yoho; bronze, Caitlyn Northcraft; Boys, Foul shooting – gold, Micah Hayes; silver, Luke Powell; bronze, Brady Illar; hot spots – gold, Joel Moore; silver, Hayes; bronze, Powell; 3-pt shots – gold, Micah Hayes; silver, Moore; bronze, Carson Gorby; one-on-one – gold, Hayes; silver, Gorby; bronze, Powell; Academic – gold, Justin Barker; silver, Hayes; bronze, Kyle Jones.

Fifth grade: Girls, Foul shooting – gold, Trista Morris; silver, Nevaeh Sweeney; bronze, Alyssa Phillips; hot spots – gold, Sweeney; silver, Cara Masters; bronze, Phillips; 3-pt shots – gold, Sweeney; silver, Morris; bronze, Phillips; one-on-one – gold, Morris; silver, Sweeney; bronze, Millie Kehrer; Boys, Foul shooting – gold, Grant Barnhart; silver, Luke Webb; bronze, Bryar Lamp; hot spots – gold, Barnhart; silver, Webb; bronze, Lamp; 3-pt shots – gold, Barnhart; silver, Brandon Lawhon; bronze, Waylon Moore; one-on-one – gold, Barnhart; silver, Webb; bronze, Lamp; Academic – gold, Lawhon; silver, Moore; bronze, Trista Morris.

Sixth grade: Girls, Foul shooting – gold, Regan Smith; silver, Alexis Hashman; bronze, Emilie Asher; hot spots – gold, Mady Winters; silver, Smith; bronze, Lenieca Grimm; 3-pt shots – gold, Smith; silver, Winters; bronze, Chloe Neely; one-on-one – gold, Smith; silver, Hashman; bronze, Winters; Boys, Foul shooting – gold, Justin Bowman; silver, Thomas Shannon; bronze, Logan Rice; hot spots – gold, Bowman; silver, Rice; bronze, Silas McKeever; 3-pt shots – gold, Rice; silver, Shannon; bronze, McKeever; one-on-one – gold, Bowman; silver, Sam Zombotti; bronze, Shannon; Academic – gold, Emilie Asher; silver, Lenieca Grimm; bronze, Mady Winters.

Seventh grade: Boys, Foul shooting – gold, Peyton Auxier; silver, William Steele; bronze, Ethan Cross; hot spots – gold, Steele; silver, Auxier; bronze, Aidan Cosper; 3-pt shots – gold, Steele; silver, Auxier; bonze, Cross; one-on-one – gold, Steele; silver, Auxier; bronze, Cross; Academic – gold, Cosper; silver, Steele; bronze, Auxier.

Eighth grade: Girls, Foul shooting – gold, Emily Lancaster; silver, Miranda Weekley; hot spots – gold, Weekley; silver, Lancaster; 3-pt shot; gold, Weekley; silver, Lancaster; one-on-one – gold, Lancaster; silver, Weekley; Boys, Foul shooting – gold, Eric Illar; silver, Nathan Barker; bronze, Cameron Ekas; hot spots – gold, Barker; silver, Illar; bronze, Ekas; 3-pt shots – gold, Illar; silver, Ryan Cross; bronze, Barker; one-on-one – gold, Illar; silver, Barker; bronze, Cross; Academic – gold, Barker; silver, Ekas; bronze, Miranda Weekley.