Deer, Bear And Boar Archery Season Open
Deer, bear and boar archery seasons are scheduled to open in West Virginia during October, according to Kem Shaw, wildlife biologist for the West Virginia Division of Natural Resources.
The traditional statewide archery deer season has been expanded for this season and will be open from Oct. 1 through Dec. 31. The archery deer bag limit is either two or three deer depending upon the county. Hunters should check the regulations for the county where they will be hunting.
Up to two additional archery deer stamps (RB or RRB) stamps may be bought, which must be purchased before the season opens. Resident landowners hunting on their own property are exempt from purchasing a license.
Bear archery season is held statewide Oct. 15 through Nov. 19. Each hunter is required to purchase a Bear Damage Stamp. Two bears may be killed annually, provided at least one of the two is taken in Boone, Fayette, Kanawha, Logan, McDowell or Raleigh counties. However, only one bear may be harvested per day. It is important to note that the use of dogs while bow hunting for bear is illegal. Hunters are requested to provide a tooth from every bear and female reproductive tracts as part of an ongoing DNR research project.
Boar archery season is open Oct. 15 through Dec. 31. Hunting is limited to Boone, Logan, Raleigh and Wyoming counties. Only residents may participate with no special boar stamp is required. The bag limit is one per year.
All big game animals harvested must be field tagged and then checked at an official game checking station. For additional details, please consult the 2011-12 West Virginia Hunting and Trapping Regulations which are available at License Agents, DNR district offices, or on the DNR website at,