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Kids’ Golf Tournament

By Staff | Jul 27, 2011

The St. Marys Golf Course is offering a Kids’ Golf Tournament for beginner golfers on Aug 4 at 3:30 p.m. Kids from four to 13 years of age are welcome. This tournament is not for the kids that are playing the other Tour Tournaments.

It will cost $5 and the parents can rent a cart for $5 and are welcome to ride or walk with their children and “caddie”

All advice to the the kids will be welcome as long as parents remember this is a fun tournament. The course will be set up no longer than 150 yards and the maximum score will be 10. After nine holes of golf, the kids will be treated to a hot dog, chips, and a fountain drink. Any kids are welcome to attend and do not have to be members.

Anyone interested can call the golf course at 304-684-9364 and sign their children up.