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Isner Wins Weekly Match Play

By Staff | Jan 28, 2009

Gary Isner won for the third time this year with a 262-204 victory over Rod Nething and won $75, compliments of weekly sponsor The Flower Basket & Gift Shop.

Isner, a two-game Grand Finale Champion, already was eligible for the 31st Annual Grand Finale. Tournament sponsors Miller Lite and Capitol beverage guarantee the $1,200 purse to the winner.

Jeff Gunn was the two-game high qualifier with games of 256-259-0 handicap for a 515 total. Nething eliminated Dave Johnson 218-209 in one semi final, while Isner prevailed over Mike Hafer 255-218 on the other semi.

Jim Longwell continues to lead the point list with 505 points, while Chuck Fisherkeller (435) and Larry Henthorn (390) round out the top three Buddy Light Accounting and Chuck Ludewig Insurance Point List.

The match play continues on its Thursday at 9:15 p.m. schedule. For more information on the match play, visit www.brucelanes.com


Industrial: Duane Goddard, 210; Ray Longwell, 230; Jim Longwell, 235, 617; Barry Light, 213; Doug Tuskey, 257, 225, 655; Rick Maffe, 216, 201, 246, 663; Jeff Gunn, 223, 279, 654; Kenny Isner, 206; Arnold Isner, 226; Gary Isner, 203; Randy Dennis, 222; Keith Craycraft, 266, 620; Greg Richmond, 211; Ron O’Neil Jr., 223, 219, 632;

Friday Senior Club, High Game: Lil Miller, 159; Fred Knoop, 195; No Tap: Lil Miller, 203; Gene Ross, 234; 3-6-9: Lil Miller, 182; Game High Series: Al DePhino, 204; Lil Miller, 544; Al DePhino, 606;

McDonald’s Juniors: Tyler Nice, 155-188, 490; Wiatt Blake, 156-163; Sean Sawyers, 195-163; Zach Hohn, 175-162;

Bowlerettes: Darla Craycraft, 527; Christy Deem, 526; Cindy Graham, 201, 512;

NFL: Jim Agar, 243; Barry Light, 225-236, 656; Buddy Light, 225-203, 600; Scott Bolen, 205; Al Spencer, 222; Mike Alexander, 213; Mike Cunningham, 223;

Tuesday Afternoon Women: Hazel Morris, 522;

Tuesday Men: Bill Hartwell, 203; Mike Arrick, 202; Keith Herrick, 205; Wayne Goddard, 202; Dave Farley, 211-218-201, 630; Chet Richmond, 206-222; Bill Longwell, 245-213-228, 686; Rick Whoolery, 227-215, 634; Larry Henthorn, 236; Bob Gerdes, 203; Al Spencer, 213; Randy Ward, 204-215, 608; Steve Steele, 205; Junior Ice, 223;

Industrial: Chuck Fisherkeller III, 236, 256, 689; Matt Erlewine, 216, 219; Mike Logston, 213; Paul Paugh, 200; Tarry Craig, 213; John Cramer, 213, 201; and Joe Goddard. 204.