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MHS Play-off Briefs

By Staff | Nov 26, 2008

Play-off rules will be enforced. Any questions may be directed to Magnolia High School at 455-1990.


The Magnolia Football Parents will have a Pep Rally on Friday at 7 p.m. in the Magnolia High School gymnasium and a Tailgate Party on Saturday at 10 a.m. at Magnolia’s Alumni Field.

The MHS Football Parents are asking the entire community to attend these two events to support the Blue Eagles and cheer them on to victory.

Bring your favorite tailgate food and drinks, along with your school spirit, while enjoying yourselves before the game. And then whoop it up during the game!

Please show your spirit with signs and Magnolia flags in your yard or on your house/business this week. Let us all show our true colors and paint the town Blue and Gold.. Let’s Go Big Blue!