From Joseph J. Morris
To The Editor
This is part two from last week’s letter.
Now the New World Order is starting to get serious on gun control. They know if they don’t get rid of our guns, they may never reach their goal, and that is a one world government with millions less people to control.
A gun is like any other tool. It has its purpose, and if used correctly, it is a safe tool. Like any other tool, if used improperly, it can cause serious injury or death. I can think of no better tool for hunting and self-defense. Why didn’t Hitler invade Switzerland during World War II? It was because every able-bodied Swiss was armed. Why did Admiral Yamamoto tell the Japanese parliament it would be a mistake to invade the USA? Since behind every blade of grass, there would be a gun pointed at them.
It is my belief that most of the mass shootings that have occurred in the last few years have been carried out by what I will call Manchurian Candidates, and I guess maybe a couple of copycats. Where do they occur? 99% occur in gun free zones, such as schools and some malls.
Here I ask the question of the readers: How many less victims would there have been if teachers had been armed? Most of the copycats are cowards that would be bullies, and like most bullies, have no guts when they think they will get their behind kicked if they try to shove a certain person around.
If our government really believes that raising the age to 21 to own a gun, they should raise the age of inducting into the armed services, and not put guns in the hands of 18-year-olds. What is good for the goose should be good for the gander.
Now let’s break down the phrase gun control. Isn’t the main word in it “control.” And isn’t the New World Order out to control the population? Get rid of the guns today, and tomorrow we can have the New World Order.
One last thought: If gun control is your thing, sit back and do nothing. If you think our government has too much control, let our legislators know. By doing nothing, you agree with the control. Just remember that the squeaky wheel gets the most grease.
Joseph J. Morris
New Martinsville
From Joseph J. Morris
To The Editor,
Just a little food for thought.
Daggone it! Wish they would put something new on this buffet.
I think this Letter to the Editor will go for a chnage of pace. Instead of gripping, I will just ask a couple of questions and hope the young readers may come up with the right answers.
I don’t want the young readers to think this is advice; advice is just something you give but never take. Just think of it for what it is – Just a question to ask of yourself.
Why settle for being a slave to the system? When, with just a little effort, you could become the master? Where do you get this power from, to be the master? There is only one way I can think of that seems to work for everyone who goes for it… That is with knowledge! You are one up on the crowd around you when you know something the rest are unaware of.
The only problem is that knowledge doesn’t come cheap. You may have to give up watching a ball game on television in order to read a book. So which would you rather be, the master or the slave? It’s your choice.
This is an opinion of mine and may not be backed up by facts, but when mankind learned these two words he separated himself from the other primates. Those two words were “why” and “how.” Once you learn and apply those two words, you can slip out of the shackles of slavery and become the master.
Joseph J. Morris
New Martinsville