From Thomas E. Trader
Dear Editor,
The Paden City Park and Pool Commission would like to thank all of the people that made the Haunted Trail a success. The weather was not kind to us. We had to use our rain date.
We had 382 kids. That was good considering the weather. Because we used the rain date, we could not get the horse and wagon. We appreciate what they have done for us over the years.
The Haunted Trail is done for the kids to get their candy and Trick-or-Treat in a safe way and have fun. Our world is a different place now, and we need to keep our kids safe; they are our future.
We had 19 stations. I would like to thank all the stations that set up and donated their time, like we should all do: Wetzel County EMS, Paden City Lions Club, REM, Progressive Bank, Paden City Library, Paden City Nazarene Church, Paden City Dominos, Paden City Wesbanco, Bayer Credit Union, Subway at Wal-Mart, Paden City Eagles, Tasty Freeze, Paden City Garden Club, Shoe Sensation, Paden City Friends of the Pool, Burger King, Paden City Christian Church, Paden City Police Department, and Paden City Fire Department.
I also want to thank all the businesses that donated, so we could buy candy: Myers Car Lot, Brenda Botizan, Witscheys, Wal-Mart, Wetzel County Hospital, Mcdonalds (donated food coupons), Dominos (donated bags), Sharps in New Martinsville (donated tickets).
Amanda Trader did our flyers. Roxanne and Jen sold tickets.
I also want to thank the Paden City Park and Pool Commission for their help. I want to thank all of these people for the success of the Haunted Trail, and thinking of the kids.
If I missed anyone, I apologize and appreciate everyone. We need to support our town and the towns around us and their activites.
We hope to see everyone next year.
God Bless
Thank You,
The Paden City Park and Pool Commission
Thomas E. Trader, Sr.