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From Linda Goddard

By Staff | Feb 22, 2017

To The Editor,

Open Door Ministries, Inc. is a non-profit organization made up of individuals from various churches in the area.

The volunteers at Open Door Ministries prepare and serve meals for those in need of nutritious food. These free meals are not based on income, and volunteers will never ask why any person requests a meal.

Each Monday, volunteers spend three to five hours helping prepare meals.

On Tuesday, the 500 meals are cooked and readied for delivery. Four volunteer drivers use their own vehicles and gasoline to deliver approximately 300 of these meals to shut-ins, those without transportation, and the elderly. From 1-2 p.m., the doors are open to the public for eat-in or take-out.

Meals are served from the Nazarene Church, located on Main Street in New Martinsville.

Open Door Ministries, Inc. is funded through donations from local churches, businesses, organizations, and individuals. These donations are substantial in keeping Open Door, open.

Another huge factor is volunteers. Open Door has a very reliable dish washer, but even he gets sick, or needs time off. Our drivers, again, are very reliable, but still can’t be there each and every week. Part-time dish washers and drivers are needed. Volunteers are always needed for serving clean-up, etc. There is no set time to volunteers – 20 minutes, an hour, two or four hours… you set the time to volunteer, and it will always be appreciated. Volunteers are needed to keep Open Door, OPEN.

Right now, Open Door is looking for someone to take over the duties of cook. After three years of volunteering, I find that I must “let go.” Believe me when I say that anyone who takes over will have a wonderful and friendly group of people to help you. It has been an extremely hard decision to leave the Open Door family (and they have become family) but a decision I found necessary to make. Open Door is really a great place to volunteer. Come and check it out. See for yourself what goes on, and then make a decision. Open Door needs a cook.

Linda Goddard

New Martinsville, W.Va.