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From Annie Bowser

By Staff | Dec 23, 2015

To The Editor,

On Dec. 5, 2015, a benefit dinner was held for Brandon Howell and I would like to recognize a few people. First off Margret Sine and the Methodist Church of Paden City for letting us use your beautiful church it was a true blessing. Second, Shirley Baird and the ladies of the Middlebourne church of Christ for the wonderful desserts and drink holders. Jeremy Joy and the Pine Street Church of Chirst for all the paper products. Kim Underwood for the donation of salads items. Angie Carpenter for doing the raffle and the $100 donation from Wal-Mart. All the people who donated to the raffle: Jean Collins, Flower Basket, Jessica Fox, Kayla Henthorn, Kathy Hinkle, Angie Carpenter, Hodge Podge, Primities, Janice Stoflalinski, Tin Ceiling, Michelle Leonard, julia Pierce Matheny, Kayla Leek, Paula Rogers, Main St. Salon, Fast Eddy’s, Valley Cinema 3, Amy’s Candlelight, Anita Holloway, Rick and Mary Bertozzi, Kathy Peffer, Smart Style, Samantha Lancaster, mary Tennant, Shirley Baird, Steve Strother and RCS. You all are so wonderful to give such great items for this cause.

Also, I want to thank all the volunteers who helped. Ellen and Al Graham, Abbe Stackpole, Sharon, Shandi and Sage Lively, Sophie Lyons, Gina and Paxton Pierce, Clyton Thomas, KIm Underwood, and Shirley Baird. You guys were such a huge help and without all of you, it couldn’t have been done. I thank you all from the bottom of my heart.

Last but not least all the wonder people in this community that came out and supported Brandon. If it was buying a meal or just donating money. You have showed that this little community can come together and help one of their own. You have all touched a young man’s heart. You all are a true blessing. I can’t say thank you enough to everyone that helped pull this together and the love and support.

Amie Bowser