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From Denzil W. Sloan

By Staff | Sep 24, 2014

Dear Editor,

Citizens of West Virginia should be aware that there are other candidates for the U.S. Senate other than Capito and Tennant. The Constitution Party’s candidate, Phil Hudok; the Mountain Party’s Bob Henry Baber; and the Libertarian candidate, John Buckley; are candidates too. The political establishment consisting of the Democrat-Republican political combine wish that voters be unaware of the existence of other candidates. The State Chamber of Commerce has already excluded these candidates from their debate. Now the upcoming debate sponsored by Metro News, AARP, Public Broadcasting, and the West Virginia Press Association will not include these three candidates either. It is particularly reprehensible that Public Broadcasting, which we taxpayers are forced to fund, have made a political decision about what candidates should or should not be heard.

Public Broadcasting has always operated a leftist propaganda media arm of the government, similar to the role that “Pravda” and “Radio Moscow” played during the cold war. So, their participation in this phony debate is not surprising.

Excluding these three candidates from the debate means that real issues and real ideas also get excluded. Are Capito and Tennant going to propose the raising of significant tariffs on imports in order to rebuild our domestic industry? Are they going to support the repeal of the federal income tax? Are they going to support the impeachment of federal judges for unconstitutional decisions?

Are they going to support the elimination of all unconstitutional agencies of the federal government? Are they going to insist that the endless wars of the last 60 years stop? Of course not!

In the two party system, so called, the Democrats play their role as leftist revolutionaries while the Republicans play their necessary role as the conservatives. In this dialectical process the revolutionaries make their radical reforms.

When the Republicans gain power they respond by accepting and consolidating the revolutionary reforms and then say, “No More.” Then the Democrats gain power again and the dialectical process continues as the government is consolidated, the Constitution wrecked, and the institutions subverted. Tennant has her role to play as the revolutionary and Capito as the conservative.

Both are necessary. To include other candidates and especially other ideas would disrupt the process and that cannot be permitted.


Denzil W. Sloan
