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From Susan Wade

By Staff | Sep 10, 2014

To the Editor:

Paden City Labor Day Committee would like to thank the following contributors for supporting the annual Paden City Labor Day Celebration: Marshall/ Tyler/ Wetzel Labor Council, BB Smith, IBEW, Iron Workers Local Union 549, Gold Khourey & Turak L.C., WV AFL-CIO, United Mine Workers of America Local Union 1638, Insulators Local #2, N. Central SMULU#33, N. Central WV Laborers Council AFL/CIO, Oil States, Talkington’s Gun Shop, EQT,

Quinet’s, Ricochet, Top Notch Cleaning, Woodman of the World, Big Daddy’s Auto Body, Dailey Corporation-WETZ & WYMJ, Boat Sides-Matt Ferrebee, JCMensore, Valley Towing, Stone Energy, Dominion, Toman Ins. WesBanco of Paden City, Paden City Garden Club, A&A Supply, Moose Lodge 931, Peoples Bank,

Paul Wissmach Glass, Witschey’s, Kelvin W. Feather, DDS., Pampered Chef-Barb Racer, Wetzel Co. Hospital, Wetzel Valley Agencies, Town & Country Properties, Quality Aluminum, Bayer HFCU, Axiall, Snyder & Hassig, Sistersville General Hospital, Union Banks of Sistersville and Middlebourne, Convenient Food Mart, Auto Related, King’s Corner, Chen’s Garden, Ethel Brown, State Farm Insurance-Linda Leasure, Long Reach FCU, Jarvis Williams Funeral Home, Sistersville Eye Care, Tim Haught, Huffman Tax Services Inc., Delegate Dave Pethtel, Marble King Inc., Golden Comb Hair Styling, and Precision Contracting.

Gift donations: Quinet’s Court Restaurant, Riggenbach Tile & Carpet, Jewelry Doctor, Verizon, Brent Neff, Bridgeport Equipment, Wayside, Ruttenberg’s, Fiesta, Auto Zone, Cecil’s Tire and Jenny Lube, Burger King, Wendy’s, Arbys, McDonald’s, Choo Choo’s, Occasions, Captain Richards, Peking Chinese Super Buffet, Susie’s Crafts, S & S Jewelry, Pizza Hut, R.C.S. Printing, Advanced Auto, Wal-Mart, Wable Ford, HPS Pharmacy, Phillips Pharmacy, Kool Aid’s Pizza, Gumps, Valley Plumbing, Sistersville IGA and Packy’s, Chaplin’s Hardware, and Robin’s Nest.

Behind the scene workers: Chad Wilcox, Rick Hissom, Josh Billiter, City Maintenance Crew, Tami Billiter, Julie Efaw, Miranda Corcoran, Paden City Volunteer Fire Department, Diann and Richard Wright, Danny and Sharon Knowlton, Leona Kelley, Mary Phillips, Maggie and Tommy Harton, Ginger Wilcox, and Steve Mason, and the American Legion Auxiliary Paden City Unit #86.

We want to thank all the entertainers who made it enjoyable and successful. Also to Bryan Wickes and Carman Harman.

Susan Wade

Judy Ferrebee

Paden City