From Judy Moore
To the Editor:
My name is Judy Moore and I am writing a letter today not to complain like last time when I was so upset over the condition of the WWII Memorial at the Memorial Building. We all know now that it is in terrible condition, unfixable.
Well, a few weeks later, I read in the paper where the American Legion #28 was going to build a new one. I was so excited that I started collecting the information I needed to get their names up. I got to go this week to see it, with my sister (Linda Hartwig), who helped with the donations.
Well, right away, my eyes started to well up. It’s beautiful! The walkway, the statues around the bottom, the flags and lights and the flower beds with brick around them, just beautiful. They have done a fantastic job. It made me proud to live in Wetzel County.
All the names aren’t up yet. They have thousands more to do. But I’ll wait for the day I can walk up and see all the O’Neil brothers’ names up there.
So, American Legion #28 and their auxiliary, county commissioners, all the ones who donated money, their time, and materials, thank you! It’s good to see the people in Wetzel County working together to build such a beautiful Memorial! Thank you from our families.
Judy Moore