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From John “Hoppy” Hopkins

By Staff | Jun 25, 2014

To the Editor:

July 1st is the beginning of a new fiscal year for both the city and a new council which will have three new members. We will be doing extensive street repair starting in July. We have hired a contractor to square up the potholes and repair them. Hopefully we can make our Street Paving Funds go further.

Our swimming pool will be opening late this year because of repairs that are being made. Our maintenance crew is working on replacing the tiles around the edge of the pool with a continuous concrete edge, and we have a licensed electrical contractor completely rewiring the bathhouse, and pumps. When finished everything will be up to code, the old wiring wasn’t safe. The Paden City Foundation has received several donations to their Pool Repair Fund. The donations are tax deductible when made to the Foundation.

We are discussing how we can improve the campground at the park. The wiring is inadequate, the amperage needs to be increased, and we want to be able to provide full hookup. We have applied for a Federal Grant to do this work.

For the most part, I want to thank to our citizens for the pride that they take in their property by keeping it neat and clean. We can all help keeping the appearance looking good by doing some simple things such as not blowing grass in the street. I realize the hazard of parking on the highway, but there are same places that have become very unsightly.

Hope you have a great summer, enjoy it; it’s going too fast for me.


John “Hoppy” Hopkins

Mayor of Paden City