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From Terence Zuber

By Staff | Dec 31, 2013

Dear Editor:

The “Babes in Toyland” Playbill says it all: a truly professional musical performance in our own Lincoln Theater. Against the backdrop of a magical Toyland setting, Raggedy Anns, baby dolls, ballerinas, lollipops, candy canes, and an oversized cuddly bear put on a Christmas show of the highest quality. Live trees, a creepy spider, and an ethereal moth enhanced the story. Just when the audience thought the musical was winding down, an orderly horde of tin soldiers filled the stage. Their precision steps including their military salutes were marvelous and the perfect endorsement for Bartolo and Clare Cannizaro’s Academy for Dance & Theatre Arts. David Taylor, the Toymaker, aptly commented that this community needs to continue to support the arts. We are fortunate to have a wide variety of local homegrown talent (52 enthusiastic on-stage participants as young as four in this production) and this is the ideal opportunity for our youth to enjoy the discipline of dance, song, and acting. Continue to break a leg!

Terence Zuber

New Martinsville