From James Doty
My name is James Doty. I’m doing 15 years in prison for armed robbery. The first step to my rehabilitation is to say I’m truly sorry to the community, as well as my family, and most importantly, myself.
Before this took place, my family and true friends tried converting me back to the person they once knew and loved. Not listening, I kept fueling my addiction.
I did what I had to-cheat, lie, steal-to feed my addiction.
My grandma told me once that everything happens for a reason. One year clean from heroin and I look back and thank God that I’m still alive and that my family supports me while I’m on my way back up, from the bottom I once was at.
I want nothing more but to let another struggling addict know it’s never too late to get help.
I owe many apologies to the communities in Wetzel County. This is the only way I can reach out to all of you at once and truly say, “I’m sorry.”
They say that you have to hit rock bottom before you want to truly get help. Well, I was once there. I guess what I’m trying to say is God kept me for a reason. Thank you and God bless.
Sincerely yours,
James Doty
Moundsville, W.Va.