Bullying is a crisis in our school systems, it is also an online problem with huge ramifications. Recently there were many threats made at local schools throughout West Virginia and Ohio. Many of them were a direct result of what children have learned from the actions of adults. Building a ...
One of the first things visitors observe as they travel West Virginia highways is the cleanliness of our roads, but also the unsightly litter that tarnishes the state’s image. Saturday, September 28, is the Division of Highways (DOH) Adopt a Highway event. The plan administered by WVDEP’s ...
There is no guarantee in life. Last Wednesday the country spent the day in solemn prayer and remembrance of the September 11, 2001 attacks on our nation by four planes hijacked by suicide attackers with a mission to destroy and kill. The deadly attack was one of the most traumatic events to ...
Demolition began on the glorious old structure this past week and continues. Bruce Pool was built in 1941 by New Martinsville Parks and the Works Project Administration. Time had taken a toll on the structure and it was decided 14 years ago not to reopen the pool due to state and federal laws ...
Each year, September is recognized as Suicide Prevention Month in the United States. Along with the September designation comes another year of school children returning to the classroom. The month of September provides individuals and organizations with dedicated space to raise awareness, ...
The first Monday of September of each year marks historic events in the chapter of American History. Officially known throughout the land simply as Labor Day, it is much more than that. The significance of the national holiday is to celebrate, honor and recognize the works and contributions ...
What’s the most dangerous part of the school day? It’s when children board or get off of the school bus, according to transportation experts. If drivers illegally pass a stopped bus that has its flashing lights on and stop arm out they risk hitting and seriously injuring or killing a ...
With most school kids returning to the classroom for 2024 less than a week away, parents are scrambling to make sure the kids have everything they need to get off on the right foot.
Setting up a regular schedule and routines for your child will help them thrive at school and carry on ...
Well Judge Wilson made his decision. He based it on the facts presented. There will be some who disagree and others who agree, but that is the way it works. Not everyone gets satisfied when a subject as tough as this one has to be settled. You can figure there will be hard feelings and some may ...
A new school year is about to begin and people are starting to dwell on the fact that summertime activities inevitably will end. Local summer festivals and events will be wrapped up before we know it and our vision will soon be turned towards colder temperatures and busier schedules. That’s ...