With temperatures dropping near or below zero during the past week, people are struggling to keep their homes warm and water lines from freezing, while others are braving the frigid temperatures without a roof over their heads. A common quote during cold snaps like we’ve experienced is “I ...
It seems as though we no longer live in reality. Changes in society are taking place faster than we can keep up with. Many times throughout the years we have watched as lawmakers have brought distinct changes that affect many, but help few. But, as citizens bent on obeying the law of the land ...
Leaking and weakened water and sewerage lines. Aging and crumbling water and wastewater plants run by utilities with no financial ability to fund critically needed repairs or replace equipment. Areas without public water or sewer service. Aging gas pipelines. Frequent electric outages due ...
As the thermometer dipped below zero during the current cold snap the clicking of our furnace, on and off, on and off, was soothing and reassuring. That background was conducive to recollection of some other cold winters, long ago.
In pre-World II days we used coal for cooking and heating at ...
Shelves in grocery stores are becoming barer and barer. When it comes to supply and demand, both are losing. When it comes to consumers - they are the losers! And the story remains the same Covid is the reason, the Omicron variant in particular. Stores cannot stock what they don’t receive and ...
What will American society be like in 2022? Will it be full steam ahead or lockdown and recession? How about, let’s just hope for business as usual, back to normal!
According to the Merriam Webster Dictionary, normal is conforming to a type, standard, or regular pattern; characterized by ...
You’ve heard it on the news. It comes as no surprise that that natural gas prices around the country will be higher this winter. Now is the time to prepare in order to minimize the effect of those rising prices. You may need to adjust your budget, but you should definitely take action to ...
Prices have been rising for a year, as anyone who’s tried to buy food recently knows.
Have you noticed a small (very small) McDonalds ice cream cone has jumped from 99 cents to $1.69 lately. Or their Pumpkin-cream pies which were a dollar are now $1.69 before tax. Cases of bottled water in ...
Looking forward to 2022 it is common to hear the traditional resolutions. Many after waking up on January 1, deciding to resolve to drinking less alcohol. Many will pledge to do all they can to live a healthier life style. To better budget their finances, and to eat at home more often. The list ...
It’s a time when families get together, relatives visit, gifts are exchanged, homes are decorated, and baking and cooking consume family kitchens. It can be a joyful time, but also a stressful time.
Traditionally we tend to think of the holidays as a time of peace and good will. We make ...