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Too Much Fighting Between WCSWA, Lackawanna

By Staff | Nov 3, 2015

The case between The Wetzel County Solid Waste Authority and Lackawanna Transport Company, owner of the Wetzel County Landfill, has been before the state’s Public Serve Commission for months. The WCSWA disapproves of LTC allowing drilling waste to be disposed in the landfill. The case has caused the WCSWA both time and money to pursue.

The Wetzel County Commission, though it has no regularity authority over the WCSWA, has asked some good questions while keeping Wetzel County residents and taxpayers’ interests at heart. Has all the attention focused on fighting LTC taken away from programs that would better suit the county?

The commissioners were correct in stressing the need for communication between the two entities. The past two decades have been plagued with disagreements between LTC and the WCSWA. Years of disputes and legal battles have done nothing but add fuel to the feud.

Mark Cochran of the WCSWA offered some positive insight into the issue and offered good points worth pursuing. Perhaps it is time to let bygones be bygones, put differences aside, and work toward the common goal of doing what is best for the community.