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From Scott Richter

By Staff | Mar 25, 2015

To The Editor,

Thank you so much for your March 18, 2015, editorial regarding the Wetzel County Commission’s donations to Bags of Bounty and Bags of Blessings for food-availability at-risk children. Also, I extend a big thank you to Wetzel County Commissioners Bob Gorby, Larry Lemon, and Don Mason.

A very quick clarification: our two backpack programs touch only specific grades at New Martinsville School and only Paden City Elementary School.

I’m sure Linda Goddard and Wilma Church will agree that without the many, many volunteers our organizations’ efforts could likely be lost. Specifically, for Bags of Bounty in New Martinsville, the $2,000 donation from the commission will assist our objective of reaching the last day of school in June. I feel the need to point out that without the numerous food, monetary, and volunteer-time donations from churches, businesses, organizations, and individuals in New Martinsville School K-4 students would never be accomplished. That’s correct, our program and its limited resources can only support those five grades at this time.

We look forward to continued local support group in the 2015-2016 school year and hope that the Wetzel County Commission will also be able to extend its support.

The ideal situation would be the ability and capability to expand these back-pack food programs into all grades, not only in New Martinsville School and Paden City Elementary School, but in all schools throughout the county.


Scott Richter

New Martinsville