One Last Chance
Fall or autumn is probably the most popular season for most people. There’s just something about the change in weather, leaves, decor, and even food that makes us love this time of the year so much.
We seem to have had a particularly good year for foliage viewing. The hills have been beautiful. Bathed in sunlight, the colors of gold, orange, and red have glowed.
According to the West Virginia Division of Forestry our area saw 80-85 percent peak in tree color this past weekend. That appears to be about right to us as some of the more brilliant leaves have fallen to the ground in the past few days.
But the demise of some of the beauty is no reason to stop enjoying the crisp days and outdoor activities. This Saturday the annual Chili-Fest will be held on Main Street in New Martinsville and we are looking forward to the event. It gives us all perhaps one last chance to get out and visit with each other and celebrate our community. Before long even football games will become like the Christmas parades where individuals are too huddled in their coats, hats, and mittens trying to stay warm to take the time to visit with each other. So take advantage of the season while you can and enjoy the camaraderie and bowls of warmth at Chili-Fest.