Through the Lens: Welcome to a New America 2025
Our old courthouse clock in the dark of the night shows the moment, a new day begins and a new year has arrived. Somehow it seems hard to believe that only 25 years ago we were preparing for the predicted disaster of Y2K. A catastrophe when world computers would run amok because they were not programmed to go into a new century. The end of the world passed us by.
2024 was a year of turmoil in the world and here at home. The problems in the middle east have gone on for…well they have always been at war or conflict since the light first showed over Bethlehem. Differences in religious beliefs, disputes over trade routes and the oil that lays beneath the ground. To end the fighting is like asking the tide to stop its return.
Will 2025 bring any differences… I don’t think so. Many world leaders have been photographed with the other side’s leaders, signing a new Middle East Peace agreement. Those signed agreements are as fleeting as the men who sign them.
In a few weeks we will have a new President who believes his words and strengths will be enough to convince leaders around the world, “Listen to me and I can fix everything.” Maybe so, but I have a hard time believing Mr. Trump or any leader can change people’s attitudes toward others.
Around the world there are men and women who have their finger on the button. We have for years managed to promise the others, if you push the button, your world will pay the price. That is true, but the price would be paid by us all in the long run.
2024 for the financial market has been a good year. Look at the Dow and S&P for the year, and you will see we have been on a growth climb. If you had money in the market and made the right moves, it was a good year. Was it because of the President, or because of the Federal reserve? I think it was because the American people went to work and spent their hard-earned money. The 62% of the people in the middle income of America who go to work made the country’s welfare respond in a positive way. The government only prints the economic growth chart to show their leadership led the people in the right direction. Are the government leaders pulling the wagon of growth or are the people?
The official figures tell us 62% of U.S. adults own stock. The real driving number and wealth is with the top 1% who holds 50% of all stocks, that’s $21 Trillion, with a capital T. The rest of us own 1% of stocks, worth $430 billion. To put that number into perspective, President Biden just forgave $400 billion in student loans. $21 Trillion, is too big a number for me to equate into a cost for you and me. You have to be Elon Musk to understand that much money. I do understand that the top 1% can buy and sell most of the country, along with each of us. Let’s hope the 1% who control the wealth of our country remembers, America belongs to…” We the people….”
What will the new year bring with a new government guided by Project 2025? Removing regulations on businesses will encourage growth. President Trump told the European countries, Mexico and Canadian trading partners, you need to buy our oil and gas or we will put tariffs on your incoming products. Is that bravado or is it real. Tariffs will, in the end, be added to the goods we purchase every day from those countries.
In the last four decades, America has ventured into the global marketplace with both feet. Look at the sticker on products and see where they were manufactured? Or do you only look at the price tags?
2025 may also bring something far more dangerous than product prices or changes in stock prices. A growing group of people in this country believes a rebellion is needed. That has begun with the idea of pure constitutional adherence. Words are being interpreted by the Supreme court who believe the only way forward is in the far-right lane of governing to protect those with financial well-being at risk.
In the Gettysburg address, President Abraham Lincoln emphasizes the words, “Government of the people, by the people, for the people. “ A strong Republican, he wanted those gathered to understand the democratic nature of the U.S. government. Thousands of Union soldiers died at Gettysburg, to preserve a true republic. Lincoln used the word, “People” three times in his address. He wanted those gathered there to know it was not about the government, that these men died, but the Freedom of the country’s people, all its people. I hope Mr. Trump remembers Lincoln and his words to Grant, “Let ’em up easy.”
Last night as the Wetzel County Courthouse clock struck midnight, America began venturing into not only a new year, but a new America. Will it be better, let’s hope so. It will do no good fighting the movement a majority of Americans wanted. In November, 150 million citizens voted. The winner was separated from the loser by 2.5 million popular votes. America is standing on the edge of two separate countries of beliefs, much as we were over one-hundred and sixty years ago. Was the Capitol steps four years ago our Gettysburg? Let’s hope that peaceful beliefs are not replaced with angry rebellion.
Our courthouse clock has for over one hundred and twenty years overseen our country and its many faces of political beliefs. I hope it will oversee four years of prosperity and growth, and no disruption to the America we all love, as we look Through the Lens.