Chameleon Television
The technology of everyday things is changing so quickly it is hard to keep up with the latest and greatest electronic device. Televisions are found in virtually every home. With their popularity manufacturers are constantly looking for new innovations for consumer’s TVs. Screen sizes are increasing each model year. One of the latest innovations is bowed screens for a more lifelike view from anywhere in the room. Televisions with no wires except for the power connection are now being advertised. Blue Ray, High Definition, and 4K picture quality are some of the features we want on our TVs. 4K means more pixels per square inch making the picture almost perfect for its viewers. In fact new TVs are so clear these days the faces of our favorite news anchor sometimes show they need a shave or reveal age spots from being in the sun too long.
As much as our televisions have changed in the last 50 years, the next five may see a whole new viewing experience. Recently at the Paris Technology Expo, Gottya Technology reveled to the world a new type of viewing screen that may change everything we know about TVs. The company is a world leader into nanotechnology research. This new science is working to change matter on an atomic, molecule, or supramolecular scale level. Using this type of technology is today creating new products for medicine and industry applications on a macro scale level.
Ten years ago this type of engineering did not exist except in a few scientists concept. Gottya engineers hoped their research would create a new type of photo sensitive light emitting material. They called their concept the Chamelia Matrix.
The break through came in 2008 when engineers at Gottya combined a salt mixture with carbon and two rare earth elements. Salt can be stimulated to produce heat. You may have used a chemical heating pad that combines a solution of salt, vinegar, sodium acetate in a water mixture. This solution is then sealed in a PVC plastic pouch. Inside the pouch is a flexible coin shaped piece of thin metal. Bend or click the metal activator and the mixture activates and begins to heat up as it changes from a liquid to a solid. It remains warm for a period of time. To reactivate the pouch, it must be boiled, which returns the solid matter to a liquid state until its next activation.
While working with this material they discovered during the heating process the mixture created a sustainable sub-molecular power source. With further research they also discovered it emitted light. The engineers realized if they could control this light and power, they may have found a new molecular material that could be used to generate light with common salt. Amazingly, they also discovered by applying different radio frequency bands the color and intensity of the light could be varied.
We have long known creatures that live deep in the oceans have the ability to create chemical light which they use to hunt in the dark depths of the ocean. Scientists knew from research that chemical light is possible because of concentrated salt in the tissue of the carbon based creatures.
A few years later, the research engineers perfected a stable nano-particle, this new matter could not only be controlled, but programmed to do simple functions. Having the ability to control the nano-particle and be repeatable without change to their basic design mission was the breakthrough they needed to move forward.
Next, they need a platform for the molecular nano-particle to be attached to. It was found that a micro mesh made of pure copper and trace silver would not only support the new material, but also act as a receiver for wave frequency. The mesh was coated with several layers of the nano material. After being chemically bonded the material was baked at 1,200 degrees. The finished wafer was then laminated between two layers of glass.
The finished product, nano-television that could mimic the color of the signal received. What is so remarkable about that? It needed no cable or satellite receiver. It was also discovered if the crystalline structure could absorb enough energy from wave frequency it could possibly need no external power source. The French press labeled the new concept Chameleon Television.
There are a couple of problems that still need to be worked out. First, the new television needs contact with multiple satellites to generate enough frequency energy. This acts much like the GPS in your car does. Second, they need to operate in a stable temperature environment. The crystalline salt matrix only generates enough heat to produce light and power when above 15 degrees Celsius or 60 degrees Fahrenheit. Below that temperature the variation in power will destabilize the nano circuits. But, Gottya’s engineers hope to find solutions to these problems in the next couple of years. There is one other problem to solve. When the system is activated it will remain active. In other words once the chemical process is started it cannot be turned off, at least at the present time. For people who allow there TVs to play around the clock, this would not be a problem.
One unique application purposed at the Paris Expo, the development of a small self powered screen that could be embedded into head stones. It would be programmed with a lifelike image of a loved one and could be shown for eternity. Well, at least for a long time.
One other development since the Paris show, lobbyists in France and several European countries are trying to prevent the technology from being released until more study of the science takes place. Some in the industry say that could delay the future progress by as much as 20 years. It is also known the Chinese are working to prefect a similar technology.
It is not known what steps the U.S. Commerce Department may do with the future technology. It assigned a review of the science by committee after receiving the information. They met behind closed doors and made no comment for the press upon adjournment. I would have to guess they are discussing the same issues that the Europeans are saying out loud. This technology would give consumers access to the satellite signals for free. It would also make all other technologies obsolete over night. The electronics industry is one of the biggest and most influential in our country.
If you are like me you are looking forward to this new type of television. But, just one thing before you get too excited. You know the company in France that is producing these new televisions, Gottya? Well, it is really, got ya?! April Fool’s Day.
If I kept you hooked on my story until the end, I accomplished my goal of creating a believable story on this first day of April. There is no Nano-television being created with salt and carbon, at least for now. But, nano technology is one of the fastest growing sciences of today. It is hoped that it will hold advances in, organic chemistry, molecular biology, microfabrication, and nano semiconductors development.
Nano-science has such tremendous potential it is not known where it could lead us in the future. We may be on the forefront of a great new technology, but we also know it has the ability to change matter on a molecular level. I hope our common sense grows as fast as the future of science as we look Through the Lens.