Veterans, I Need Your Help

Each November, we honor the men and women who served our country in one of our country’s branches of the military. This year West Virginia Northern Community College would like to make a special effort to remember those who have served.
Our state came into being during the conflict between the north and south nearly 150 years ago. Since that first conflict, it has sent our state’s citizens in harm’s way to secure freedom and our way of life. This November, WVNCC is working to present a short documentary film remembering our veterans. I have agreed to help with this project by gathering as much information, pictures, and anything that remembers those who served.
I already have some pictures and a few interviews of veterans that were filmed by the college, a short time ago. Senator Larry Edgell has helped me contact the states Veterans Affairs Department in hopes they can provide me with information and material for the film’s content.
Each day in this country, American Veterans are passing into history and their stories and images may not be remembered outside of their family. Our hope with this film is to at least preserve some of the men and women’s service to their country in this short documentary film.
This is the part where I need your help finding pictures and memories that have been stored away over time. On the afternoon of Oc. 3 from 1:30-5 p.m. in the meeting room of the New Martinsville Library some friends will help me gather pictures and information from the veterans of the area.

We will have scanners to copy pictures, letters, or anything you would like to have possibly used in the film. We will only copy what you may have to offer. I do not want to take your original. They are valuable to you and a copy to use in the film will be fine.
The truth is, we don’t know what information and material we will be able to collect that day. But whatever it is, we will make every effort to use the material in the film’s production. We would also like to take a picture of any veterans who would like to stand by the American Flag that day.
Our country once took great pride in honoring its Veterans. After the First World War and then the Second World War, Veterans Day was celebrated across the country in cities and towns, big and small. Sometime after Korea and Vietnam the celebrations seem to have faded somewhat. That single day of the year when all Americans paid thanks to men and women who left homes and families to serve our country has in many ways became only a day on the calendar. It is hoped by those who are making this film, that at least in our community, we will in some small way remember to honor Veterans that day.
Our community many years ago built a special place to list the names of those who served in the military-the War Memorial Building. Some of those names listed there are of those who paid the supreme sacrifice in those long ago wars. Listed alongside those names are many names of local veterans who served to keep our country free and returned home after their service. Since those names were inscribed on those hallowed walls of remembrance long ago, the number of living veterans remembered there grows fewer with the passing of time. The sad truth is thousands of veterans across this country pass from our lives every day.
Long before the traveling wall that honors the memory of the men and women who died in Vietnam was built, the wall in the Memorial Building stood honoring those who served from the local area during world conflicts. The citizens of Wetzel County long ago realized the importance of remembering and dedicated such a place in our community.

This Oct. 3 at the New Martinsville Library is an opportunity to preserve something for the future. I know that I am asking a lot. And the truth is, I just don’t know how many people may show up that day. I told my wife it may be five or 105, I just don’t know. So whatever happens we will make the best of it in producing this film. Our intent is to honor those men and women who proudly served their country. They are our friends, neighbors, moms, dads, sons, and daughters. They are American Veterans. Please help so we can honor them Nov. 11. I would also ask on that day for the citizens of the county to display an American flag to show our community remembers and honors those who served all Americans. It is also an opportunity to show our appreciation for those who today are in the service of our country. I hope to see you, the American Veteran, Thru the Lens.