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Willey, Al-Janaby Plan to Marry

By Staff | Feb 24, 2016

Mr. and Mrs. Ike Willey wish to announce the wedding of their youngest daughter, Katie Elizabeth Willey, to Abdul-Kahar Al-Janaby.

Katie is a 2009 graduate of Valley High School and a 2015 graduate of Marshall University. She is currently employed by REM Community Option.

Abdul is a 1998 graduate of Al-Ressaffa High School and was a contractor in the US Army for the DOD in Iraq from 2003-2008. He is the son of Abdul-Wahab and Nada Al-Janaby of Bagdad, Iraq. He is currently employed by Verizon and owns Dragon Computer Repair.

The celebration will take place at the Mollahan Center on February 27, 2016.