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Bearce, Littleton

By Staff | Oct 15, 2008

Mr. and Mrs. Jay Ronald Littleton

Jay Ronald Littleton and Kelly Jaclyn Bearce were united in marriage on Aug. 16 at an outdoor celebration in Shadyside, Ohio, at the home of the groom’s parents, Ronald and Doris Littleton.

Kelly is the daughter of Robert K. Bearce of St. Petersburg, Fla., and Sharon L. Bearce of New Martinsville. Grandparents of the bride are Mabel Florence Bearce and the late Charles Otis Bearce of St. Petersburg and the late Kenneth and Helen Pegg of New Martinsville.

Grandparents of the groom are the late Clifford and Agnes Littleton; and the late Michael and Eleanor Snively, all of Shadyside.

The bride was escorted by her mother and brother, Jason K. Bearce of Indianapolis, Ind. Attending the couple was Becca Ebeling and brothers of the groom, Jon and Jim Littleton. The ceremony was officiated by the Rev. Charles Johnson.

The bride is a graduate of Magnolia High School and West Liberty State College. She is employed as a graphic designer by Shirts and More, Wheeling.

The groom attended Shadyside High School, Belmont Technical College, and Ohio University Eastern. He is currently employed by Sears in St. Clairsville, Ohio.

The couple is at home in Martins Ferry, Ohio.