Arnetts Tend To Thomas Cemetery in Walnut Fork

The Arnett crew gathers for a photo after a long day cleaning the Thomas Cemetery.
Many Arnetts have lived, loved, and reside eternally in West Virginia. The descendants of Jessie Dee Arnett get together twice a year to tend the beloved Thomas Cemetery on Walnut Fork where Jessie and his wife Lennie Arnett Talkington lay at rest. Jessie Arnett lived all of his 36 years on Piney Fork which is just south of Reader, W.Va. Jesse fathered four sons before passing in a flash flood in his much loved home in the mountains.
Jessie’s two sons (Jesse Arnett II, and Oris (Joe) Arnett) made the pilgrimage this year with their sons – Jesse, Joey, and Dan Arnett – and a few other family members to give honor to their family and the other few kinfolks who have relations buried in the Thomas Cemetery.
October 6, 2018 was one of the last 80-plus degree days in 2018, and the sun was shining as the work began on Walnut Fork. Armed with shovels, rakes, weed trimmers, brush killer spray, and a robust push mower, the Arnett boys plus one went to work mowing and cleaning. The crew of Arnetts fanned out across the hillside of Thomas Cemetery in the cleanup effort. At the end of the afternoon, the crew gathered for a photo by their ancestors’ monuments.
After a very successful day on the mountain tending the cemetery, the Arnett clan retired to New Martinsville’s favorite restaurant Quinet’s to have a wonderful repast followed by Quinet’s world-famous dessert bar. With light hearts and full bellies they left their homeland to travel back to their homes in Pennsylvania and Ohio until the spring when the cemetery will once again be visited for care.