Students Participate In Mathematics Contest

Photo Provided Pictured in the front row are Lexie Kernan, Via Anderson (second place), and Katie Hamrick; In the second row are Karina Patel, Kaitlyn McIlvain, Zoey Jenkins, Paige Brill, Ashley Kelly, Morgan Aliff, Olivia Mensore, Ashley DeMarco, and Kayna Anderson; Third row are Zack Slie, Mrs. Hinerman, Spencer McCardle (third place), Spencer Bills, Josh Rice (first place), Jacob Gamble, Jared Kocher, Sebastian Stickler, Trey Blain, and Cameron Stillwagoner; Fourth row are Dakota Litton, Caleb Schilling, Hunter Riley, Patrick Mirandy, Matthew Gaiser, Eli Nice, Gabe Leichliter.
Thirty students from Magnolia High School recently participated in the 69th Annual American Mathematics Contest (AMC). The contest was held Wednesday, Feb. 14 at Magnolia High School. The test is sponsored nationally by the American Mathematical Society and the Society for Industrial and Applied Math and locally by the Magnolia Chapter of Mu Alpha Theta Mathematics Honorary. The AMC is an intense 75-minute, 25 question multiple-choice, non-calculator active exam that recognizes and challenges the best mathematics students in the United States. There is no formal study preparation. Test-takers rely only on the skills and knowledge learned from their high school math classes.
The top three scores comprise the representative team from Magnolia High School. This year’s top scorers were: first place, Josh Rice; second place, Alivia Anderson; and third place, Spencer McCardle.
Rice is a sophomore enrolled in Advanced Academics (AA) Geometry, STEM Trigonometry, and AP Statistics. In February, he was the first place winner of the high school division of Wetzel County Math Field Day. Last year he placed fourth in the WV State Math Field Day 9th Grade Competition.
Anderson is a senior in AP Calculus and College Algebra. She placed fourth at Wetzel County Math Field Day this year; she is also co-president of Magnolia’s Mu Alpha Theta.
McCardle is a sophomore enrolled in AA Geometry, AA Algebra II, and AP Statistics. At County Math Field Day, he placed fifth.
The math department at Magnolia would like to commend all participants for accepting the challenge of this exam and extending their interest in mathematics. The American Mathematics Competition exam manager at Magnolia High School is Sandy Hinerman.