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Lewis Wetzel Pool Is Undergoing Renovations

By Staff | Mar 30, 2016

Photo Provided The Lewis Wetzel Pool is undergogoing renovations which are expected to continue over the next couple of months.

New Martinsville’s Lewis Wetzel Swimming Pool is taking on a new and exciting look. The renovations will continue over the next couple of months. Litman Excavating is the general contractor for the project. The north end of the pool has been extended, approximately 12 feet, allowing for a zero depth entry. Several water spraying/spilling features, such as water cannons and tumble buckets, will be installed throughout the zero entry slope. The pool walls and floor will be constructed of plaster which creates a much cleaner and smoother finish.

The new floor and walls are being poured inside the existing shell eliminating the added cost of tearing out the entire structure. A gutter system will replace the skimmers. Gutters, in addition to creating a cleaner water surface, cut down on the wave action of the water. Waves distort the water making it more difficult to view the bottom of the pool.

The pool will be ADA accessible with a walk in ramp and a set of transfer steps being added. The 11 feet well has been brought up, making the deepest are of the water just under 5 feet. This trend is happening in pools all over the country. It creates more usable water area. People feel more comfortable spending time in water where they are able to touch the bottom, if only for a moment.

A larger water slide and a water walk feature will be added on the west side of the pool. A new filtration system is being installed and the bath house will receive a make-over as well.

Bonds have been purchased for funding for the project, allowing for a maximum of $1.5 million. The project has also received a $120,000 donation from the Wetzel County Commission and a $25,000 donation from the Wetzel County CVB.

“We are very excited about the changes taking place,” Parks and Recreation director Beverly Gibb said. “It has been a group effort. We greatly appreciate everyone’s patience while we have been working to get this project underway. So much relies on the weather and the dependence of contractor and sub contractor work schedules that I just cannot give a definite completion date. It is the goal of everyone working on the project to have the facility open for this summer’s season. I know there are rumors that go viral with any public project, especially one so visual and large. I would encourage anyone that does have questions to contact our department at 304-455-9130. The NM Parks FaceBook page is also a good way to stay on top of the improvements. As always, we want to make sure people receive the correct information on all our facilities, programs and projects.”

Gibb also reported that the parks and recreation department hopes to offer sevearl different types of pool-related activities once the pool is opened, including movies, dances, and water aerobics.