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Shortline Ramp Festival Set For Saturday

By Staff | Apr 16, 2015

Winner of a logo contest for the event was Logan Byard of Valley High School.

The second Shortline Ramp Festival will be held Saturday at the Bill Earley Park.

Tina Rush, Ramp Festival chairperson is anticipating another great event. “I just saw the weather forecast for Saturday. It should be a beautiful day!”

There is no entry fee for the event, so all are encouraged to attend and enjoy the festivities.

The day will begin with a 5K run and walk. It starts at 9 a.m., but registration and check in begins at 8 a.m.

Then at 11 a.m. there will be an official welcome by Grand Marshall Roy Justice, mayor of Pine Grove. There will also be the singing of the National Anthem and the raising of the flag by Steve Wright and Sons of the American Legion.

Ramps are a type of wild garlicky onion.

At 11:15 a.m. there will be a Blessing of the Bikes where motorcycles will be prayed over for a safe riding season. Also at this time, the vendor booths and kids area will open.

The games in the children’s area are free of charge and will be open until 3 p.m. That area will include games and prizes, face painting, an inflatable bounce house, and an inflatable obstacle course.

At least 25 vendors offering everything from crafts to ramps to cotton candy have signed up to have booths at the event. Be sure to try the various culinary creations that include ramps and vote for your favorite before 2 p.m. The winners in three categories-individual, non-profit, and business-will be announced at 2:30 p.m.

In addition to the tasting booths, the Short Line Food Bank will be serving a full ramp dinner in the upstairs of the Byrd Center from 11 .m. to 3 p.m. (or while supplies last). The menu includes ham, mashed potatoes with ramps and gravy, green beans with ramps, cole slaw, roll, dessert (with ramps or without), and a drink for $8.

Can’t get enough of the garlicky onion vegetables? Then enter the ramp eating contest at 12:30 p.m.

At 1 p.m. the horseshoes will be flying as participants in that tournament will try to get ringers.

From the stage live bluegrass music by Harry Eastham, Vicki Glasscock, and friends will fill the park. Also, Cruisers Unlimited car club will be stopping by the event.