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Board Approves Agenda Items

By Staff | Feb 4, 2015

The following personnel and routine matters were approved at the Feb. 2 meeting of the Wetzel County Board of Education.

Lease Agreement:

Paden City

Wildcat Boosters:

Matthew Barker Memorial Complex leased from the Paden City Wildcat Boosters for use by the PCHS teams during their respective

seasons beginning Feb. 2 through June 1, for $4,000.00.

Personnel Matters:


Donald R. Gilbert, Jr., acceptance of resignation from position as assistant baseball coach at Magnolia High School, effective Jan. 18.

Rex A. Rush, acceptance of resignation from position as head at Hundred High School, effective Jan. 21.

Joshua R. Weekley, acceptance of resignation from positions as technology coordinator at Valley High School, effective upon replacement or appointment to new position as technology systems specialist, evening events coordinator – fall season at VHS, effective Jan. 22, and evening events coordinator, winter season at VHS, effective the end of the 2014-2015 WVSSAC winter season.

Professional Personnel:

Diana J. Wheeler, approval for change in assignment from MI/LD/BD with autism teacher at HHS to pre-school special needs teacher at Short Line School, effective Feb. 3 or pending a replacement is found for her teaching position at HHS.

Service Personnel:

Richard A. Ritz, approval for change in assignment from bus operator – North State Route 2/Proctor/St. Joseph/Villas (9-12) Bus #33, to countywide special needs bus operator Bus #20, effective Feb. 3.

Routine Matters:

Approval of request from Janice Moore, teacher, to take five students from VHS to River High School on March 11 for the RHS Academic Competition. Funded through academic funds at VHS.

Approval of request from Shelley Hulsey, teacher, to take two teams from Paden City High School to RHS on March 11 for the RHS Academic Competition. Funded through academic funds at PCHS.

Approval of request from Jay Salva, principal, for Dan Henthorn, teacher, to take two students from PCHS and four students from MHS to Pittsburgh, Pa., on Feb. 11 for the free Shakespeare Monologue and Scene contest at the Pittsburgh Public Theater’s Riley Theater, at no cost to the board.

Approval of request from Jeremy Kelch, teacher, to take two students from the VHS Broadcasting/News Production Class and Sportsman Club to Nashville, Tenn., on Feb. 12-15 to attend the 39th annual National Wild Turkey Foundation Convention and Sports Show. Funded through attendee contributions and donations.

County Strategic Plan

Annual Update:

Superintendent recommends approval of the Annual Update to the County Strategic Plan for the 2014-2015 school year, as presented at the Jan. 20 board meeting.