Board Approves Personnel Items
The following personnel and routine matters were approved at the June 20 meeting of the Wetzel County Board of Education:
Carol Ann Archer, acceptance of retirement from position as records and certification secretary/coordinator, effective June 30.
Teresa J. Burgey, acceptance of retirement from position as supervisory teacher aide at Magnolia High School, effective June 30.
Johanna Lemasters, acceptance of retirement from position as kindergarten teacher at Long Drain School, effective June 30.
Rebecca J. Moore, acceptance of retirement from position as special education teacher at MHS, effective June 30.
Kimberly A. Sobataka, acceptance of retirement from position as pre-school special needs teacher at WCCCF, effective June 30.
Daniel R. Westfall, acceptance of retirement from position as bus operator, effective June 30.
Debra D. Kocher, acceptance of resignation from position as head girls track coach at Valley High School, effective Jan. 5.
Haden V. Kocher, acceptance of resignation from position as assistant girls track coach at VHS, effective Jan. 5.
Beth A. Sigley, acceptance of resignation from positions as boys and girls cross country coach at LDS, effective Jan. 5 and athletic director at LDS, effective Feb. 6.
Nathan K. West, acceptance of resignation from positions as countywide/itinerant supervisory teacher aide/autism mentor at MHS, and evening events coordinator-winter season at MHS, effective the end of the day Jan. 9.
Professional Personnel:
Hunter T. Ankrom, approval for employment as countywide substitute teacher, effective Jan. 21. Non-certified.
Joshua R. Weekley, approval for change in assignment from technology education teacher at VHS, 200-day contract, to countywide technology systems specialist, based at WCCCF, 240-day contract, effective as soon as possible or pending a replacement is found for his teaching position at VHS.
Service Personnel:
John L. Eggleston, approval for change in assignment from countywide substitute custodian II, 682/B, to evening custodian II at MHS, 682/B, effective Jan. 21.
Shirley A. Helmick, approval for employment as countywide substitute cook, effective Jan. 21.
Michael R. Harwick, approval for employment as evening events coordinator-winter season at MHS, effective Jan. 5.
Amy J. Littell, approval for contracted services position as mentor teacher-social studies at New Martinsville School, effective Jan. 21.
Routine Matters:
Out of State Trip:
Approval of request for Elizabeth Kaczor and Michelle LaRue, English as a Second Language (ESL) teachers, to attend the Teacher of English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL) Conference held in Toronto, Canada, March 24-29. Funded through ESL and Professional Development Funds.