AirEvac contract is renewed

Under the county’s agreement with AirEvac, Tyler County residents receive free medical helicopter transportation from Tyler County or surrounding counties. (Photo by J. Light)
Tyler County Commissioners renewed the county’s contract renewal for medical helicopter services with AirEvac Sept. 23.
Greg Jadwin of AirEvac reported the agreement is the same as last year. The cost is $59,700 and can be made in two installments. He said there is no cost savings in doing so, but it is available.
Jadwin said individuals who have purchased the national plan will be able to renew at the same cost as last year, $35. That covers the buyer anywhere in the country. He said residents should be receiving notifications soon to renew.
Under the agreement with AirEvac and the county, Tyler residents receive free medical helicopter transportation from Tyler County or any surrounding county, additionally, flights from the West Virginia counties of Wood and Ohio, as well as the Ohio counties of Washington and Monroe. Tyler County residents receive an annual savings of a quarter million dollars of out of pocket expense through the agreement.
While approving the renewal, the Tyler County Commissioners also renewed the county employees’ agreement.
Jadwin reported 73 people have been transported since last year from Tyler County, which results in a significant savings to the residents thanks to the agreement between AirEvac and the county.
In other matters, Commission President John Stender read a letter requesting funding of $5,000 from Community Resources, Inc. Commissioners tabled the request until the next meeting so they can obtain additional information.
Commissioners approved a return to normal courthouse hours beginning Oct. 1. The hours will return to 8 a.m. to 4 p.m., Monday through Friday, except for the first Thursday of the month when the hours will be 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. until January 2015.
Commissioners also tabled a temporary waterline agreement with StatOil until more information can be received. The company is looking to install a water source waterline near the parking lot by the fair grounds. Stender gave Prosecutor Luke Furbee the name and number of the company representative who would be able to provide additional information.
Commissioners signed the Customer Support Agreement of $17,639 with Complete System Support (CSS) for the period of October 2014 through September 2015. The agreement provides customer support and maintenance for the computers for the county clerk’s office and the tax office.
Josh Fulks of 911 reported to the commission an agreement between Tyler and Wetzel counties in 2001 was for Tyler County to pay $250 per year to Wetzel County for assistance to Tyler County in Paden City. He said the last payment to Wetzel County was made in 2004 and a total of $2,500 is owed. Commissioners agreed to abide by the agreement and pay the past due money.
The Office of Emergency Management Director Tom Cooper presented the commissioners with a grant request that needed to be signed. The request is for a $4,000 reimbursement grant for homeland security training. Commissioners signed the grant application.
Budget revisions were approved by the commissioners. Jackson L. Hayes, assessor, received approval of exonerations and the county clerk’s fiduciary report was also approved. The minutes from the Sept. 9 meeting were approved as well.
President Stender reported the books on West Virginia Courthouses are in and will be distributed to the local libraries and county schools.
Approval was given to pay the bills and the meeting was adjourned.