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Man Unconscious In Truck On Route 2, Drugs Blamed

By Staff | Sep 10, 2014

First responders search the vehicle of Steven Anthony Blatt II after he was found unconscious at the intersection of state Route 2 and Russell Avenue on Thursday. (Photo by Lauren Matthews)

Steven Anthony Blatt II, 28, is facing the charge of misdemeanor possession of a controlled substance after becoming unconscious while driving at the intersection of state Route 2 and Russell Avenue, in New Martinsville, on Thursday.

New Martinsville Police Department Officer Friend Estep wrote in the police report that he responded to the stopped motor vehicle and when he arrived, the driver was unresponsive and slumped over in the seat. Estep wrote that from initial observations, “The situation was clearly a drug overdose.” Furthermore, Estep stated that he checked Blatt for a pulse and “could not easily detect any.” Also, “his skin was cold and clammy . . . he was very pale.”

Estep wrote that while preparing for the arrival of EMS, he removed a used syringe from the driver’s left hand and placed the vehicle in park. Damage was found on the left, front wheel and the tire was flat. Estep wrote that its unknown what was struck and what caused the damage to the vehicle, a black 1993 Chevy pickup, registered to Blatt.

Furthermore, Estep stated in the report that EMS arrived and placed Blatt in the ambulance. There were pieces of what appeared to be heroin stamps in the driver’s seat and on the floor, one of which contained a small quantity of heroin, allegedly. These were collected as evidence.

Several items were located in the passenger’s seat, including a driver’s license, identifying the driver as Steven Blatt II; $75 in loose cash; a cell phone; and wallet. The glove box was checked for vehicle documents, but none were found. A bank bag in the glove box contained a used glass pipe commonly used for smoking marijuana, a grinder evidently for pills and powdered substances. All items were seized as evidence and the vehicle was impounded. Estep wrote that after he completed the investigation of the vehicle, he went to Wetzel County Hospital’s Emergency Room to check on Blatt.

Estep said Blatt was somewhat responsive; Estep stated that he patted down Blatt’s pockets, as he was afraid Blatt might have weapons on him. He reported that he found more items from Blatt’s pockets including a small pill box, lighter, metal button, lid from a small cardboard box, and another grinder that contained a small quantity of what appeared to be marijuana. These were also seized as evidence and bagged.

Estep reported that after speaking with Blatt, he left the hospital. Blatt’s condition was unknown at the time and staff was treating him. Blatt was released several hours later. Estep wrote that Blatt was not taken into custody or incarcerated due to his condition.

New Martinsville Police Chief Tim Cecil also responded to the call Thursday. He noted that Blatt was lucky the emergency squads and everyone “responded as fast as they did.”

Misdemeanor possession of a controlled substance carries a jail sentence of no less than 90 days nor more than six months or a fine of no more than $1,000, or both jail and a fine.

Blatt has been summoned to appear in magistrate court Sept. 22. He has not yet been arraigned.