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Board Approves Personnel Matters And More

By Staff | Sep 10, 2014

The following matters were approved by the Wetzel County Board of Education during their Sept. 2 meeting. It should be noted that Board Member Carolyn Gatian cast the sole “no” vote to the motion to approve personnel matters.


Krista N. Jones, acceptance of resignation from position as speech and language pathologist at New Martinsville School, effective Aug. 29.

Gabrielle B. Palmer, acceptance of resignation from position as cheerleader coach at Short Line School, effective immediately.

Steven W. Jones, acceptance of resignation from position as general music teacher/choral director/band director at Paden City High School and Paden City Elementary School, effective Sept. 2.

Professional Personnel:

Amanda N. Adams, approval for employment as countywide substitute teacher, effective Sept. 3.

Valerie J. Cain, approval for change in assignment from countywide substitute teacher to kindergarten teacher at NMS, effective Sept. 3.

Valerie J. Cain, approval for change in assignment from kindergarten teacher at NMS to third grade teacher at NMS, effective the beginning of 2015-2016 school year.

Leslie M. Emch, approval for change in assignment from first grade teacher at SLS to kindergarten teacher at NMS, effective the beginning of the 2015-2016 school year.

Daniel M. Henthorn, approval for employment as drama teacher (permit) at Magnolia High School and PCHS, effective Sept. 3.

Candace G. McBee, approval for employment as speech and language pathologist at NMS, effective date to be determined.

Logan A. Miller, approval for change in assignment from countywide substitute teacher to MI/LD/BD with autism teacher (permit) at NMS, effective Sept. 3.

Steven D. Morningstar, approval for employment as countywide substitute teacher, effective Sept. 3.

Jesse L. Robinson, approval for employment as MI/LD/BD with autism teacher (permit) at MHS, effective Sept. 22.

Kasey L. Sapp, approval for employment as MI/LD/BD with autism teacher (permit) at Hundred High School and Long Drain School, effective Sept. 3.

Mitchell J. Snider, approval for employment as countywide substitute teacher, effective Sept. 3. non-certified.

Melanie N. Springer, approval for employment as second grade teacher at LDS, effective Sept. 3.

Amber D. Tustin, approval for employment as countywide pre-school special needs teacher based at Wetzel County Center for Children and Families (permit), effective Sept. 3.

John R. Tomaszewski, approval for change in assignment from countywide substitute teacher to counselor at PCHS, 215 days, effective Sept. 3.

Service Personnel:

Sandra K. Blake, approval for change in assignment from cook III at PCES (677/C) to cook III at NMS, (677/C), effective Sept. 3.

Georgia L. Bland, approval for change in assignment from countywide/itinerant supervisory teacher aide/braille specialist – special education, based at MHS, 527/F, to supervisory teacher aide/early childhood classroom assistant teacher – kindergarten at PCES, 506/F, effective the beginning of the 2015-2016 school year.

Alana A. Campbell, approval for change in assignment from countywide substitute supervisory teacher aide (502/C) to countywide itinerant supervisory teacher aide – special education (one-on-one) at HHS (502/C), effective Sept. 3.

Kathy D. Greathouse, approval for change in assignment from evening custodian III at MHS (683/C), 228 days, to head custodian IV/painter at MHS (635/E), 261 days, effective Sept. 3.

Sarah J. Kinzel, approval for change in assignment from countywide substitute cook II (676/B) to countywide substitute supervisory teacher aide (502/C), effective Sept. 3.

Andrea N. Poe, approval for change in assignment from countywide substitute cook II (676/B) to countywide substitute supervisory teacher aide (502/C), effective Sept. 3.

Kelly D. Taylor, approval for change in assignment from supervisory teacher aide/early childhood classroom assistant teacher – preschool at PCES (507/F) to supervisory teacher aide/early childhood classroom assistant teacher – kindergarten at NMS (507/F), effective Sept. 3.

John B. Walton, approval for change in assignment from countywide substitute bus operator to bus operator – Bus #16, Mobley/North Fork/Four Mile/ Barker (655/D), effective Sept. 3.


Katrina N. Adkins, approval for employment as head cheerleader coach at MHS, effective Sept. 3.

Kari A. Brown, approval for employment as “Interim” head girls volleyball coach at Valley High School, effective the beginning of the 2014-2015 WVSSAC season. non-certified.

Kari A. Brown, approval for employment as assistant girls volleyball coach at VHS, effective the beginning of the 2014-2015 WVSSAC season, non-certified.

Pamela A. Chapman, approval for employment as assistant volleyball coach at MHS, effective the beginning of the 2014-2015 WVSSAC season.

Sherry A. Croasmun, approval for contracted services position as seventh/eighth academic coach at SLS, effective the beginning of the 2014-2015 school year.

Sherry A. Croasmun, approval for contracted services position as LINKS coordinator at SLS, effective the beginning of the 2014-2015 school year.

Jeffery E. Derby, approval for employment as assistant football coach at VHS, effective the beginning of the 2014-2015 WVSSAC season.

Jessica N. Greathouse, approval for employment as cross country coach at HHS, effective the beginning of the 2014-2015 WVSSAC season.

Ashley N. Lamp, approval for employment as co-athletic trainer, football, at VHS, effective the beginning of the 2014-2015 WVSSAC season, non-certified.

Rebecca E. McClain, approval for contracted services position as LINKS coordinator at MHS, effective the beginning of the 2014-2015 school year.

Amy B. Petin, approval for contracted services position as SAT coordinator at SLS, effective the beginning of the 2014-2015 school year.

Richard D. Price, approval for employment as co-athletic trainer, football, at VHS, effective the beginning of the 2014-2015 WVSSAC Season, non-certified.

Craig A. Schneid, approval for employment as head boys track coach at MHS, effective the beginning of the 2014-2015 WVSSAC season.

Beth A. Sigley, approval for contracted services position as LINKS coordinator at LDS, effective the beginning of the 2014-2015 school year.

Sharon E. Snider, approval for contracted services position as academic coach at LDS, effective the beginning of the 2014-2015 school year.

Diana J. Wheeler, approval for employment as head girls basketball coach at HHS effective the beginning of the 2014-2015 WVSSAC Season.

Reconfiguration for the 2014-2015 School Year:

Debra S. Price, upon the recommendation of the principals in accordance with West Virginia Code 18A-4-7a(u), approval for change in assignment from half-time music teacher at PCES to general music teacher/choral director/band director, 240-day contract at PCHS and PCES, effective Sept. 3.

Service Personnel Performing Specialized Health Care for the 2014-2015 School

Year, effective Aug. 13 (Will receive one pay grade higher):

Long Drain School: Joyce D. Walker (504-F)

New Martinsville School: Debra D. Throckmorton (519-H)

Magnolia High School: Teena L. Bates (536-F), Kimberly S. Haught (504-F), Denise N. Neff (536-F), and Teresa J. Starcher (504-F)

Paden City Elementary School: JoAnna G. Filliez (537-G)

Paden City High School: Carmen K. Shepherd (537-G)

Wetzel County Center for Children & Families: Melissa K. Starkey (504-F)

Substitute bus operators for the 2014-2015 school year: Lea A. Summers and Douglas S. Williams.

Substitute custodians for the 2014-2015 school year: Kandy S. Stephen

Leave of Absence:

Approval of request from Hannah M. Cline for an ‘unpaid maternity leave of absence’ from her position as pre-school special needs teacher at WCCCF beginning upon depletion of her personal leave and permissive personal leave days, on or about Sept. 29, through eight weeks postpartum.

Approval of request from Dana M. Ischy for an ‘unpaid maternity leave of absence’ from her position as early start/pre-school special needs teacher at WCCCF beginning upon depletion of her personal leave and permissive personal leave days from Aug. 14 through Nov. 14.

Approval of request from Velisha I. Shepherd for an ‘unpaid maternity leave of absence’ from her position as MI/LD/BD with autism teacher at SLS beginning upon depletion of her personal leave and permissive personal leave days, on or about Sept. 8, through 10 weeks postpartum.

Approval of request from Valerie D. Slider for an ‘unpaid maternity leave of absence’ from her position as reading intervention teacher at PCES beginning upon depletion of her personal leave and permissive personal leave days from Dec. 1 through March 27.

Routine Matters:

Request to attend Wetzel County Schools:

Approval of request from Marjorie Wilcox for her son, Jason D. Wilcox, to continue attending Wetzel County Schools (PCES) for the 2014-2015 school year, pending release from Tyler County.

Approval of request from Rick and Dawn Myers for their son, Clayton Myers, to continue attending Wetzel County Schools (MHS) for the 2014-2015 school year.

Request to use school facilities:

Approval of request from Little Hornets Basketball to use the gymnasium at LDS for the purposes of their fall basketball program beginning Aug. 25.

Early dismissal:

Approval of the following exception, per provisions of State Board Policy 2444.01 and Wetzel County Policy IKF, and on the recommendation of the principal for a student at MHS, to attend school on a half-day basis for the 2014-2015 school year, taking the required classes to accumulate sufficient credits to meet graduation requirements.

Approval on first reading of Wetzel County Policy JLCF, Use of Epinephrine Auto Injectors By Personnel; First Reading of Wetzel County Policy IJA, Guidance and Counseling; and Delete Wetzel County Policy IJ, Comprehensive Developmental Guidance and Counseling Policy.