Seckman Releases Her Fourth Novel

Author Elizabeth Seckman stands proudly alongside her newest creation, “Bella’s Point.”
It’s been just two short years since her debut novel “Past Due,” and it’s obvious Elizabeth Seckman has not put away the pen since.
The New Martinsville writer has released two follow-up novels to “Past Due”-“Healing Summer” and “Fate Intended,” and she has now taken a totally different route with her writing with the historical romance she has just released, titled “Bella’s Point.”
Bella’s Point features Isabella Troy Stanley, described as “a divorced, slave freeing pariah surviving in the shattered post Civil War south the only way a fallen debutante knows how.”
When asked how she finds the time to write, with four boys (Caleb, 20; Cole, 18; Carter, 16; Conner, 14) and husband, Chad, to take care of, Seckman stated that she never gets as much done as she’d like, but “down time and kid time is very important.”
“Having two in college now, I am mindful of how quickly they grow up.”
Elizabeth stated that writing was definitely different with book four compared to writing her first book, as she wrote Past Due as “a clueless newbie.”
“I wrote for the love of writing,” she stated. “I still love to write, but now the approach is a bit more calculated. Before, I wrote for me. Now, the reader is in my head, and I want them to get their money’s worth.”
As for writing a historical romance this time around, Seckman noted that the difference in the two “is the research.” “I’m not a historian, and I know not everything in the book will be perfect. But I am a museum junkie, so extra research was like a visit to Disneyland for me.”
When asked if she has comments on her latest release, Seckman, ever the light-hearted spirit, (as her blog “ can prove) stated “Yes. Everyone should buy a copy . . . Oh, and books make good gifts.”
She adds, “Jokes aside, I have to offer many thanks to local readers. Without their support on the first books, there never would have been contracts signed for the others. People can talk about the advantages of bigger places, but honestly, nothing beats small town pride and promotion.”
Bella’s Point was officially released on July 16. Paperbacks and eBooks are available online from Amazon, Barnes and Noble, and World Castle Publishing’s website. Locally, autographed copies are for sale at The Book Store on North Street in New Martinsville, and Witschey’s and Kristy’s in Middlebourne.