Site Wanted For New Shelter
Rosy Cozart of the Wetzel County Animal Shelter gave Wetzel County commissioners an update Tuesday on shelter activities.
Cozart still expressed concern over the lack of property found for a possible new shelter. Cozart stated that the shelter would need to be built in a quiet area outside of city limits.
Commissioners approved of a $7,2901 expenditure for new kennels for the shelter, including a vicious dog kennel. Cozart stated that this special kennel would ensure that if anyone walked up to the kennel, they would be unable to reach the dog.
Also, Cozart and the Wetzel County Animal Shelter Supporters are in the planning stages for the 13th annual Mutt Strutt Fundraiser. Cozart stated that the shelter is in need of businesses to help sponsor the event.
The following are statistics for the shelter’s monthly report from May 16 to June five: dogs euthanized, none; cats euthanized, one; dogs adopted, four; cats adopted, three; dogs to rescue, 23; cats to rescue, three; dogs returned to owner, two; cats returned to owner, none; dogs taken in, 22; cats taken in, nine; dogs in approval/foster, one; cats in approval/foster, none; present impounds for dogs, none; present impounds for cats, none; present quarantines for dogs, none; and present quarantines for cats, none.
The following are statistics for the shelter’s monthly report from June 7 to July 1: dogs euthanized, one; cats euthanized, none; dogs adopted, two; cats adopted, none; dogs to rescue, nine; cats to rescue, none; dogs returned to owner, two; cats returned to owner, none; dogs taken in, 15; cats taken in, six; dogs in approval/foster, two; cats in approval/foster, none; present impounds of dogs, none; present impounds of cats, none; present quarantines of dogs, none; present quarantines of cats, none.
Cozart also stated that she had recently received a $500 grant from the Humane Society of the United States.
In another matter, Rick Healy of Belomar Regional Council gave the county commission an update on progress concerning Public Service District One’s project. Healy stated that the original contract is 85 percent complete.
This excludes the waterline extension for the Piney Fork area, as it was added to the contract later.
Healy stated that work in areas such as Chiselfinger and Eight Mile are virtually complete, minus work involving the setup of meters. He added that the tank work is 78 percent complete and the finishing 22 percent of work involves fence and gate work.
The commission approved a drawdown of funds of $141,186.79 related to this project.