Board Of Education Approves Agenda Items
The following matters were approved at the Monday night meeting of the Wetzel County Board of Education. Board Member Carolyn Gatian recused herself from personnel matters.
Committee Appointments: (Two Year Term)
RESA-6 Board of Directors, Linda Kirk; 4-H Extension Services Committee, Carolyn Gatian; WVSBA Committee of ’55, Joshua Balcerek; MOTVI Advisory Council, Bob Patterson.
Personnel Matters:
Regina E. Mason, acceptance of retirement from position as sixth grade teacher at NMS, effective July 31.
Rebecca K. Goff, acceptance of resignation from positions as MI/LD/BD with Autism teacher at LDS and head volleyball coach at HHS, effective immediately.
Brittany T. McGinnis, acceptance of resignation from position as head cheerleader coach at MHS, effective June 24, 2014.
Penny L. Nichols, acceptance of resignation from position as business teacher at MHS effective immediately.
Ashley R. Stevens, acceptance of resignation from positions as half-time art teacher at VHS and half-time MI/LD/BD with Autism teacher a HHS, effective June 10, 2014.
Employments and/or Changes in Employment:
Professional Personnel:
Lark Higginbotham, approval for change in assignment from countywide substitute teacher to human services/family and consumer science teacher at MHS and PCHS, effective beginning of the 2014-2015 school year.
Howard O. Meeks, approval for employment as business education teacher at MHS, effective the beginning of the 2014-2015 school year.
Carly A. Superick, approval for employment as “TEMPORARY” Spanish teacher at NMS and PCHS, effective the beginning of the 2014-2015 school year.
Diana J. Wheeler, approval for change in assignment from MI/LD/BD with Autism teacher at SLS to MI/LD/BD with Autism teacher – mathematics content at HHS, effective the beginning of the 2014-2015 school year.
Service Personnel:
John R. Cain, approval for change in assignment from evening custodian III at MHS, 683/C, 228-day contract, to evening custodian III at NMS, 683/C, 228-day contract, effective July 24.
Richard A. Gatian, approval for employment as countywide substitute bus operator, effective the beginning of the 2014-2015 school year.
Dina L. Howell, approval for change in assignment from the RIF/Preferred Recall List to countywide/itinerant supervisory teacher aide – special education (one-on-one), based at HHS, 503/D, effective the beginning of the 2014-2015 school year.
Radine S. Hubbard, approval for change in assignment from countywide/itinerant supervisory teacher aide – special education (one-on-one), based at Long Drain School, 502/C, to Supervisory Teacher Aide – Special Education at Short Line School, 503/D, effective the beginning of the 2014-2015 school year.
Daniel J. Gottron, approval for employment as head girls volleyball coach at HHS, effective the beginning of the 2014-2015 WVSSAC Season.
Logan A. Miller, approval for employment as assistant girls basketball coach at VHS, effective the beginning of the 2014-2015 WVSSAC Season.
Lisa A. Shepherd, approval for employment as seventh and eighth grade cheerleader coach at PCHS, effective the beginning of the 2014-2015 WVSSAC Season.
Lisa D. Wharton, approval for employment as summer custodian at HHS, effective July 1.
Virgil L. Wilkins, approval for employment as head boys basketball coach at HHS, effective the beginning of the 2014-2015 WVSSAC Season.
Routine Matters:
Request to Attend Wetzel County Schools:
Approval of request from James and Carol Zombotti for their children, Lucas J. and Samuel C. Zombotti, to continue attending Wetzel County Schools (NMS) for the 2014-2015 school year, pending release from Marshall County.
Approval of request from Allison Raper for her daughter, Carlee Jo Sweeney, to continue attending Wetzel County Schools (PCES) for the 2014-2015 school year, pending release from Tyler County.
Approval of request from Randy Leek for his children, Alivia Marie and Nohah Richard Leek, to continue attending Wetzel County Schools (PCES) for the 2014-2015 school year, pending release from Tyler County.
Articles of Agreement:
Approval of agreement which outlines the responsibilities of West Liberty University and those of the Wetzel County School System in regards to the placement and supervision of West Liberty University pre-service and student teachers.
Approval of the following Chaperones/Volunteers for the 2014-2015
School Year: Valley High School: Derrick Crawford, Chris Bunner, Ethan Hacker, Celesta Berga, Mike Lopez, Ben Neal, Eric Byard, Dawn West
Request For Camp:
Approval of request from Nikki Doty, Magnolia High School’s girls soccer coach, to hold a soccer camp June 18, 19, and 20, 2014, at the New Martinsville marina soccer fields, for the boys and girls of Wetzel County and the girls of Tyler County. The camp is hosted by West Virginia Wesleyan.
Participation of
Home-Schooled Student:
Approval of request from Dennis E. Bills, parent of home-schooled student, Josiah Eldon Bills, to participate in the driver’s education class at Magnolia High School for the 2014-2015 school year.
Approval of request from Cindy D. Aliff, parent of home-schooled student, Marley C. Aliff, to continue participating in the Accelerated Reading Program at New Martinsville School for the 2014-2015 school year.