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Animal Control Officer Resigns

By Staff | Jul 9, 2014

New Martinsville’s Animal Control Officer, David Moore, resigned Tuesday morning during an emergency personnel committee.

The developments came after the Monday evening regular council meeting when members of the Wetzel County Humane Society were present to question recent animal control practices.

Nancy Christman, with the humane society, said, “We are very unhappy to have to be here again.” She said the group had heard some very bad things about animal control in New Martinsville.

“Where did they go? That’s what we want to know,” said Christman of any animals that have been picked up by Moore. She said they have checked the animal shelters in both Wetzel and Marshall counties and there have been no euthanizations from the city. She further said that it is obvious that the building to hold cats located north of Hydro Drive has not been used, indicating the weeks around it are over her head.

“We want to know. We’re sick of this. It’s a humane issue,” said Christman.

She said the society want to know, in a weekly report, what kind of animal has been picked up, where, and some sort of posting. They want some oversight by the city and a non-city employee, as well.

“People need to have a chance to retrieve their cat,” said Christman.

Mayor Keith Nelsen told her they would be having a meeting with the animal control officer, perhaps after Monday’s meeting. The council had started to have an executive session with Moore at the end of the department head meeting, held just before Monday’s council meeting. However, they appeared to abandon that idea because of time constraints as it started just minutes before the regular meeting was to begin.

At the end of Monday’s council meeting council held an executive session to discuss personnel issues. It lasted about 30 minutes. No action was taken after returning to open session.