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Council Grants Raises

By Staff | Jun 25, 2014

At a special New Martinsville council meeting held June 18, council voted to give the water and sewer department a three percent increase in wages.

Councilwoman Holly Grandstaff first made the motion that council reconsider the vote they had made on June 11, in which they approved the water and sewer department budget without any raises. Councilwoman Doris Fannin had seconded this motion.

Grandstaff then made the motion that council pass the water and sewer budget with a three percent increase in wages. This motion was also seconded by Fannin. The vote passed, three to one, with Councilwoman Iris “Deaner” Isaacs voting against the raise. Council members Chris Bachman and Kay Goddard were not present for the special meeting.

This vote occurred after a special meeting held June 11 resulted in a three percent increase in wages for the town’s electric department and no raise for the water and sewer department.