Board Honors Retirees

Pictured are Board President Mike Blair and Superintendent Dennis Albright, along with Wetzel County Schools retirees who were present Monday evening. Front row, from left: Mary Beth Crawford, Debbie West, Connie Frye, Susan Paden. Second row: Jim Archer, Sue Vila. Third row: Linda Dulaney, John Ice. Back row: Gary Glasscock, Ellen Horner, Board President Mike Blair. Virgil Wilkins, Superintendent Dennis Albright. (Photo by Lauren Matthews)
The Wetzel County Board of Education honored 20 individuals Monday evening as they retired from the school system with a combined 633 years of experience.
Those individuals included:
Sheila A. Aberegg, who is retiring as a music teacher from Paden City Elementary School. Aberegg is retiring with 29 years of experience.
James C. Archer (Jim), who is retiring as a reading teacher at Short Line School. Archer is retiring with 37 years of experience.
Glenda J. Bennett, who has 44 years of experience, is retiring as a sixth grade teacher at New Martinsville School.
Roberta A. Blair, who has 35 years of experience, is retiring as a fifth grade teacher at NMS.
Lorna A. Briggs is retiring as head custodian at NMS. She has 26 years of experience.
Mary Beth Crawford is retiring as a speech and language pathologist at NMS. She is retiring with 35 years of experience.
Linda G. Dulaney, who has 35 years of experience, is retiring as a kindergarten aide at SLS.
Connie S. Frye, who retired as a third grade teacher at NMS in February, has retired with 33 years of experience.
Gary L. Glasscock retired as head custodian at Valley High School in December. Glasscock retired with 20 years of experience.
Ellen L. Horner is retiring as a first grade teacher at SLS. Horner is retiring with 33 years of experience.
John H. Ice Jr., is retiring as a fifth grade teacher at PCES. He is retiring with 36 years of experience.
Eileen M. Miller is retiring as a speech and drama teacher at MHS; she is retiring with 41 years of experience.
Donna J. Myers retired as a custodian at SLS in December; she had six years of experience.
Susan L. Paden is retiring as pre-school aide at PCES and has 12 years of experience.
Jane L. Ripley retired as a fifth grade teacher at NMS last June; she retired with 39 years of experience.
Janet M. Tennant is retiring as a fourth grade teacher at Long Drain School. She is retiring with 21 years of experience.
Susanne M. Vila (Sue) is retiring as a countywide school psychologist. She is retiring with 34 years of experience.
Cynthia S. Weber (Cindy) retired as a first grade teacher at PCES and had 28 years of experience.
Debra L. West (Debbie) retired as a special education teacher at NMS last June and had 38 years of experience.
Virgil L. Wilkins retired last August as vocational agriculture teacher and FFA advisor at HHS; he has 51 years of experience.