US Veteran Will Receive Diploma With PCHS 2014

Veteran Ralph Hendershot will receive his diploma Saturday from Paden City High School.
On Saturday, at 7 p.m., 78-year-old Ralph Vernon Hendershot, will be graduating with the Class of 2014 at Paden City High School, in the gymnasium.
By a special provision, West Virginia Veterans who didn’t graduate because they entered the service to serve their country can now receive their diplomas from their former high school.
Hendershot quit school in 1952 when he was 16 and joined the Corp of Engineers in the United States Army. He proudly served his country in Korea, Germany, France, Spain, and Italy. He received his GED in 1956 when he was stationed at Wolters Air Force Base, Texas.
Hendershot, with his Mary, is a resident of Alliance, Ohio.
He would like to thank the Senior Class of 2014 at Paden City High School for the privilege of graduating with them. He would also like to thank his family and friends for supporting him.
While final grades, and therefore a diploma list, were unavailable by press time, PCHS seniors are Mary Lynn Anderson, Kourtney Ann Carroll, Myah Nicole Charkawi, Adam Scott Croasmun, Zachary Jonathan Estel, Morgan Kathleen Goddard, Jennifer Beth Hickman, Timothy Joe Loy, Audra Marie McFadden, Jeremy Allen Mercer, Kyle Donavan Postlethwait, James Robert Powell, Austin Thomas Quinn, Emily Ramsey, Maddilyn Anne Sawyer, Katie Jo Shreves, Tyler Daniel Stackpole, Alicia Ann Travis, Sara Joyce White, William Preston Wilkinson, Dustin Ray Wright, and Elizabeth Anne Yaron.
Without final grades, they also have yet to determine the class’s valedictorian and salutatorian.