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Board Approves Various Matters

By Staff | May 21, 2014


Statt Writer

The following matters were approved at the May 19 meeting of the Wetzel County Board of Education.


Shelia A. Aberegg, acceptance of retirement from position as half-time music education teacher at Paden City Elementary School, effective June 30.


Jeffery E. Derby, acceptance of resignation from positions as seventh and eighth grade girls basketball coach, effectively immediately.

Molly A. Harris, acceptance of resignation from position as supervisory teacher aide at Long Drain School, effective May 7, 2014.

Professional Personnel:

Meredith L. Pilant, approval for change in assignment from countywide substitute teacher to third grade teacher at PCES, effective the beginning of the 2014-2015 school year.

Service Personnel:

Shanna M. Cox, approval for change in assignment from evening custodian III at New Martinsville School, 683-C, 228-day contract to daytime custodian III at NMS, 683-C, 228-day contract, effective July 24.

Reconfigurations for the 2014-2015 School Year:

Jeanne L. Fox, upon the recommendation of the principal in accordance with West Virginia Code 18A-4-7a(u), approval for change in assignment from half-time social studies teacher at Paden City High School to social studies teacher at PCHS, effective the beginning of the 2014-2015 school year.

Sheldon R. Ruckman, upon the recommendation of the principal in accordance with West Virginia Code 18A-4-7a(u), approval for change in assignment from half-time science teacher at Magnolia High School and half-time science teacher at PCHS to science teacher at PCHS, effective the beginning of the 2014-2015 school year.

Out of State Trips:

Approval of request from Linda Haught and Brenda Nolan to take the second grade students from Short Line School to Meadowcroft Rockshelter and Historical Village in Avella, Pa. on May 22. Funded through the second grade class.

Approval of request from Josh Weekley, April Ring, Donald Taylor, and Tammy Wells to take TSA students from Valley High School to compete at the TSA National Competition in Harbor, Md., on June 27 through July 1. Funded through fundraisers, donations, and attendee contributions.

Approval of request from Nikki Doty and Mark Lemasters to take TSA students from Magnolia High School to compete at the TSA National Competition in Harbor, Md., on June 26 through July 1. Funded through TSA and contributions.

Approval of request from Mollie Toppe to take the third grade students from SLS to The Mattress Factory Art Museum in Pittsburgh, Pa., on May 22, 2014. Funded through a grant through a partnership with The Mattress Factory Art Museum and the Claude Worthington Benedum Foundation.

Approval of request from Pat Jeffers and Kathi Schmalz to take the senior class at Magnolia High School to Kennywood Park in Pittsburgh, Pa., on May 31, at no cost to the board.

Approval of the following chaperones/volunteers for the 2013-2014 School Year, Magnolia High School: Jesse Rutan

Request to Attend Wetzel County Schools: Approval of request from Brittany Flesher for her son, Caiden Flesher, to continue attending Wetzel County Schools (PCES) for the 2014-2015 school year, pending release from Tyler County Schools.

Approval of request from Pamela Moore for her children, Trey, Gregory, and Anthony Moore, to continue attending Wetzel County Schools (PCES and PCHS) for the 2014-2015 school year, pending release from Tyler County Schools.

Approval of request from Tammy Chambers for her son, Talan Chambers, to continue attending Wetzel County Schools (PCES) for the 2014-2015 school year, pending release from Tyler County Schools.

Lease Agreement: City of Paden City Athletic Fields leased from the City of Paden City, known as Number One Ball Field and the athletic field known as softball field located in the Paden City Park (for the purpose of conducting sports events including games and practice sessions for PCHS baseball and softball) beginning on March 1, 2014, and expiring on June 1, 2014 for the amount of $1,600. Albright will see if water will be available to the public.